I’m talking about body temperature. Yesterday I had a “nice” fever, probably the day before as well, but no one noticed I was sick (I only slept all day… hello!) and made me check the temperature. Well, anyway, yesterday my sister made me measure my temperature and it was 39 and a bit more. This morning it was 36 instead (I took a flu/fever medicine last night), better, but I feel a bit woozy. Mainly probably because I haven’t eaten much, I’ve just been drinking juice. Now I’m hungry but don’t feel like eating.
I don’t know what brought this on… Was it Thu-Fri night when I (even though I went to bed soon after 2:30 am (see previous blog)) got to sleep from about 6 am till 10-11 am (bloody programming, whirled in my head all night and I was too tired to read to get it out) or did I just catch it from somewhere? I don’t know.
Oh well, watched the Matrix Revolutions yesterday. I was surprised how monotonous all their speaking was. I didn’t remember it was like that! And the slo-mo bunch (Neo hits Smith in the Burly Brawl). Oh my gawd, I didn’t know Matrix was a comedy! Anyway, it is a good movie, it’s Matrix after all. And Keanu Reeves is in it.