Easter holidays!! (in theory…)

I’ve been writing the adventure game (in Prolog) all night (since about 8:30pm) but I can’t stay awake anymore (not even with the help of Pepsi Max; I haven’t drunk any sodas for a looooooooooong time, bleurgh). I’m getting old! :D I have to have the assignment (+ another one, but that’s done already) ready today. So I have time till midnight. I don’t think the prof is that strict on the deadline though, but anyway. Yay. The game is coming alone quite nicely. And in the weekend, I can relax and watch my new DVD

  write('Good morning!').
  write('G'day! :)').
  write('Good night!').

Not actual, working code :D

Sleep is futile

Sometimes I’d need a “couple” more hours in a day. Or at least in *my* day. I’ve been translating computery stuff to Swedish, looking for a Swedish morphology (-logical) generator (I’ll probably leave it be), AND last but not least, trying to figure out something intelligent to say today when I’m meeting my professor conserning the bachelor’s thesis. :D But I can’t see straight, ergo I can’t think straight. Ergo I probably should go to bed. Blah, such a waste of time. :D

Been listening: can you guess…. the lovely song from Chocolat!! (cf. previous *blows kisses to Grasshopper* :P ) “Vianne sets up shop” this is called. Maybe I should borrow the CD from a library.

*YAWN*   *dislocated jaw*   *AAAAAAGH*
:laugh: Ergo nightnight

@ 18:21
Updates: I passed Chaser. Good game… a bit pointless last level. What next? I have NO idea cause I don’t think XIII is arriving any time soon (we’ll get it from a game club at the end of this month)
Been buying: Matrix Revolutions DVD :)

As if I hadn’t joined enough fanlistings already

Updates: It was actually yesterday (not April 2) when I published my new SK site — oh well :) Joined two fanlistings: On Writing and Eyes of the Dragon, both books by Stephen King

@ 18:39
Been doing: Made a very cool (if I may say :) ) layout for my sister’s live-roleplaying game. It’s a temporary page until she (pulls herself together and…) gets around deciding what kind of a site she wants for herself (the game site is only a subpage, or it will be). Apparently, she doesn’t want the old site moved to a new address, but she wants to make changes and decide which drawings are going to be there.

I did pull *myself* together and installed Apache Ant and even looked through some .xml files for my bachelor’s thesis. I still have a pile of assignments due April 8th — most terrifying of all, the adventure game.

New layout for TGWLSK

Updates: New layout at The Girl Who Loved Stephen King; and of course, new text under “Current layouts” for TGWLSK at all things me (Domain/Site).

Matrix Revolutions came out today on DVD. I didn’t see it at the cinema (bad girl! bad girl!) and I probably would’ve bought it today if I’d had any lectures but I didn’t, so I spent the day at home with the Stephen King site. Maybe on Monday…