Little Grey Men

New section done. Linking to it from all things me and some stuff inside that section still to do. But anyway. It’s done. I’m just not online now so I won’t update it. I wouldn’t even if I were, cause it’s not done yet. I’m a wannabe perfectionist, remember? :)

Oh shoot! I have to update that menu image there! < ---- [edit: June 27] There used to be a menu image :) [/edit] I hope I have it in an unmerged/unflattened format... @ 14:29
Updates: Now… menu image updated and ramblings on the new section at all things me, and of course THE NEW SECTION!!!!! Little Grey Men – my alien collection. I love the layout if I may say so myself.

Hidden hedgehog crouching Minna

Updates: those very cool underlinings for blog’s dates.

Doing the new website project. It’s almost done layout wise but not even started content wise.

Went shopping today with Dad. :) Clothes this time. I found a nice shirt (sleeveless, black, cotton).

There was the cutest little hedgehog running around in our front yard this afternoon. S/he was carrying branches and making a nest under our neighbours’ stairs.

Hedgehog picture from Nature Lover Gifts

Good-book buzz

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! DT5 finished in a horrible cliffhanger!! I can’t wait to read Song of Susannah! (it has to come out first (on Tue), and then arrive in Finland)
The series just keeps getting better and better (I didn’t think that was even possible…)

I missed my May book (A Year of Reading clique) but I’ll just have to read a few extra in June.

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Day 12 without my TV xD
Went to watch Bachelorette on Dad’s tv but it started flickering (on/off, not just simply bad picture) so I went to the livingroom. Mum said I was just being paranoid, that the tv worked fine. I told Dad that I must have some sort of magnetic field around me that destroys TVs… But it DID flicker!

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Meredith chose Ian. What happened?! Maybe Matthew will be the next Bachelor then…

Updates: Apart from updating the fact that I’ve read DT5 (booklog, King site), I went back to the tiny text. Sorry to say, I like it.

Oh yeah, I moved to a new room today, the project’s room (i.e. where all the students are crammed). Hopefully I returned the correct key…. you see, I had two while I was moving the computer from one room to another.

I have a new website project in mind… *mwahahahahaaa*

Critics should check their resources

I’m living in yesterday… Anywhooo.

Updates: FINALLY a Splinter Cell Fanlisting; I was this –> <– close to starting my own…

Been very tired today. Slow start in the morning. Don’t know why though cause I slept perhaps for… about 6 hours. Maybe it’s the sleep deficiency from the beginning of the week.

Oy vey! A tv critic claimed in the newspaper today that the Sleepwalkers is based on a Stephen King book that “experts say is thicker than Xmas ham”. And what book might that be, Mr. Critic?

Started playing Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness today because my sister stole the Morrowind…….. I had problems with the sound though (think of chipmunks and Lara…) but I found a tip how to fix that so I’ll try with better luck tomorrow or w/end.

Tomorrow I’ll be moving to a new desk at work. I’ve been separated from the other people working on the same project so I’m really out of the loop. :) I mean, they should be telling me what they need from the ontology. I’ll also get my hands on the parser soon.
Hopefully my lunchbuddies will remember me even though I won’t be on their way… If they don’t, I’ll be eating 1 choco cookie per day for lunch…

Announcement: Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah out in 5 days (June 8)! And DT VII: The Dark Tower is coming out on September 21 — King’s birthday :)

If Meredith chooses Ian tomorrow in the Bachelorette, I’m going to cry! Not of happiness!

Chocolate chip cookies are useless

Updates: Been organizing this exponentially grown blog :D I’ll have each month’s entries on one page. I was planning on having only the newest entries on this page, but it looked silly because of that looooooong column on the left. You can see how silly it looks now that there’s only 2 entries on the page. Maybe I should make the font another step bigger :laugh:
Also, added a little Me paragraph [right column]

Whee! I got 3 for Structured Document Fundamentals (HTML, XML, XHTML, LaTeX, XSLT, XSL-FO, SVG — that sort of stuff). (grades are 1-3, at least for the time being…)

My chocolate chip cookies are useless… at least for now. I’ve actually had a real lunch break. To be honest, it’s nice to have people drag you out of your room every once in a while…

Today we student employees had a meeting; because of me! :laugh: I’m the newest one so I don’t know what they need me to do. So, today I got a little more info on that. (*being as vague as possible — for a reason* I’m actually a secret agent woman…) I would’ve gone to talk to the professor (whose project I’m working in/on) about a parser I’m going to tweak (so I heard) but he wasn’t around.

Been ashamed: I broke someone’s pen today… the clip thing… I hate when people do that to my pens and now I did it. I feel awful :neutral:
Been fighting with: table cell heights in IE and Mozilla

[edit; “big” means this size, I changed it back to small afterwards] This big text annoys me… but I’m torn. I can read the tiny text, but can you? Should you? [/edit]
[edit] And now I don’t have to worry about font size issues anymore because WordPress has pretty big fonts as a default and they don’t look too bad [/edit]

Me = slacker

Bummer, May without reading a book. Not properly at least. I’m so CLOSE to finishing DT5 that I ought to be ashamed (of not finishing it). But school (and sleep) and work have to be prioritized, I’m sorry to say. And I have. Very much so. Very bonkers-goingly so. I have, however, almost-read Carrie and Everything’s Eventual. And pages and pages of my own scribble and to be exact nine of my peers’ too! (bachelor’s theses — still have that to revise).
But now (after DT5) I’m going to read Carrie (1st read [noun] ever!) and maybe in Finnish too (although the translation is paiiiin paiiin paiiiin — bad in other words). But I’m definitely going to read Everything’s Eventual in Finnish. It was such an ordeal to get it an’ I ain’t givin it up so easy. :razz: (I know the correct grammar, so clam it!)

Anyway, printing out the [translation study paper] 16 pages (hurry up!) now so I can go to sleep. Have to find a used envelope for the teacher (yup, strict orders). Up again in less than 5 hours. And work till 5 pm. But on the way back from handing-in-the-paper I’m going to go buy some nice cookies for faint-prevention (I won’t bother going to eat, there’s no Unicafe within stone’s throw). Maybe chocolate chip.