BBC has very interesting science section with lots of quizes and games.
I’m a Moderate Owl
Like Extreme Owls, Moderate Owls love staying up late and sleeping late into the morning. Their body clocks tend to be more flexible than a Larks, making it easier for them to adapt when their sleep pattern is disrupted. Like most people, Moderate Owls body clocks are set within the standard range – they’re likely to be most alert in the morning and early evening and have a period of low alertness in the afternoon.
Tips for owls:
* Sleep with blinds or curtains open. Let daylight wake you naturally. Its much nicer than an alarm clock — but set the alarm anyway!
* Walk outside as soon as possible after waking up. Exposure to daylight in the morning can make you more alert earlier in the day.
* Get up at the same time every day including weekends and holidays. This will anchor your biological clock at the desired time.
* Prepare the breakfast table the evening before. A morning routine helps owls function smoothly without having to think about what they’re doing.
I’m also Almost an alien expert!
I was very bad at putting muscles, bones, and organs into place…
At Tickle (formerly known as Emode) I am a…
— perfectionist
Like what you see when you look in the mirror? We thought so — with every hair in place and every crease in line, you have every reason to. Looking well-put-together is important to you, so you take great care with your appearance and maintain your excellent hygiene with a very consistent regimen. Since you take pride in how you appear to others, you don’t feel comfortable leaving the house unless you think you look properly groomed.
Looks like you take very good care of your possessions — without obsessing about them. Since you probably take pride in the condition of your things, you like to keep your surroundings in a relatively neat, organized state. But you know that every little thing doesn’t necessarily have one spot it has to be in at all times, and you’re just fine if everything isn’t always in peak shape. That’s a great attitude — being aware of, but not overly concerned about, your possessions is an effective way of extending the lifespan of your things without causing yourself undue stress.
Whether a task is large or small, you always turn in top-notch work. How could you not? After all, you have a lot of pride invested in everything you take on, and you won’t sign your name to anything unless it represents your best work. You’re willing to burn your candle at both ends to get the job done and like to have your projects organized and carefully planned out. Although being a perfectionist at work guarantees a job well-done, it can sometimes make it hard to be flexible and open-minded. So, make sure to leave room for a little leeway.
— Sharp at Sunset
That’s right, when the sun goes down, your energy and creativity go way up. This is your on time, when you’re most inspired thoughts come pouring in and when you’re most motivated to venture out. Are you into sports, dinner parties, or just hanging out with friends as the sun sinks out of sight? We thought so. Because that’s the time of day that really empowers you and makes you feel alert.
You’re especially dynamic at dinner, cocktail parties, and early evening functions, when your persistent wit and wisdom are at their finest. And after dinner, when everyone else is putting on their jackets and preparing to head home, you’re the kind of person who stays alert, inquisitive, and ready for more world-changing conversation.
Being such a superstar at sunset has its drawbacks too. Right when you’re coming up with your most fantastic ideas, most of the world is too tired to listen. Sure, this might leave you with a limited audience from time to time, but when you’re on, you’re on, and those lucky enough to be around value your enthusiasm. But even superstars hit a slump at some point in the day. That’s when you need to remind yourself that there are tricks to get you through. Like grabbing an extra cup of coffee, getting some fresh air, or taking a power shower to rejuvenate you. And when that happens, there’s no stopping you. Every hour can be your power hour!
OK, that’s enough. I did more tests than that (I’m practical pumps (the shoes), my room is classical (NOT), I’d be a ground-breaking document (barely), my monster personality is Devil (eh…), and I’m Eric from That 70s Show…). Am I bored or am I bored? No, actually… I finished a course today. I just haven’t mailed my work to the teacher yet. I’ll double check it tomorrow and send it off.
Now, I think I’ll catch up on my Dark Tower.