I got 3 hours of sleep last night.
That’s right. I went happily to bed at 0:15 thinking “well, it’s going to be a short night but not too much”. Then, with Cockburn’s (pronounced ‘coburn’) triggers and goals and actors and scopes and variations swirling around in my head, I was still staring helplessly at the clock at 3:15.
At 6:15 I got up, a bit dizzy, feeling as if I’d just gotten my eyes closed. Mug of coffee, cereals and off I went to the train station.
All things considered (like the sloppy 1-2 hour studying the night before), the Introduction to Application Design exam went alright (I think so at least). I always get crazy ideas when I’m tired, at least more creative than when I’m my dull and well-rested (*cough cough*) self, so I drew use case diagrams and sequence diagrams on making coffee (and related).
After the exam I decided to run around in shops a little. I got my godson one of these from DinSko, in kids’ size, of course. 
(Looked better when the theme had a purple background…)
I hope he has enough sense of humour for those — I believe he does. That’s all I could find but I re-hit the shops with a friend of mine. Couldn’t find much then either but at least I know where NOT to look.
But, NO COFFEE today. Not after breakfast. My sister ought to be proud.
Hold on, does Caffe Latte ice cream count?