Censorship and bankruptcies
I just realised that wrong people (or a wrong person) could be reading this blog, so I decided to de-publish the previous post. Sorry, Vera, you had commented already I could of course password protect it, but what’s the point? I wrote. I vented. I cleaned the evidence.
Funny thing happened the other day. Ha ha. The magazine that I’ve been trying to finish the article for is publishing its last issue in May. So, I’m too late. I’ve been trying to think of what to do with the nearly-done article but most likely I’ll just leave it to gather binary dust.
lol it’s okay.. nothing happened.. saw and did nothing :roll:.
binary dust? hehe.. XD aww =( that would be a waste!
What…. I get busy for a few days and all of a sudden I’ve missed a venting, ranting, delete this quick, post?
C’mon. Now you’ve got to do another one. I want to see some good ranting and raving and saying of crapalicious stuff.
I would sometimes say very crapalicious stuff if there wasn’t a big probability that the person I’d mostly vent about reads my blog… Perhaps I’ll have to figure out their IP address and install the plugin Does your mother know
Or do you think password protected entries work? I feel they may be too much hassle.
Seriously though, I sometimes feel like I need some way to vent, but I just keep everything bottled up. Not healthy, I know.
Aren’t password protected posts easy to do? I know there are some plugins and stuff for them. I’ve never tried it myself since hardly anybody who knows me in “real life” knows where my blog is and those who do are free to read my lunatic rants.
Sorry, I meant hassle for the readers
There is a text box in the Write Post screen to insert a password, so it’s easy to do.
LOL there’s a plugin called Does your mother know ? haha.. very interesting =p. Is it a special plugin for logging IPs or something? =T
Does Your Mother Know plugin checks the visitor’s IP and tries to match it to given IPs (or part of an IP). If the IP/part matches it doesn’t show secret posts. I can’t use it for 2 reasons: all our computers are part of the same IP subset and our IPs are dynamic. So, if I hide posts from IPs “x.y.” I’ll be blocked too despite the fact that I’m logged in AND the author. AND the post disappears from WP admin panel so I have to access the database to un-hide the post (or disable the plugin or remove the IP that matches mine).
Oh yeah.. i see..
too bad i can’t use it either for the same reasons =\ *if needed in the future that is.
One could always start a different blog under some other name somewhere else and vent there. It’s just that none of the other people reading one’s regular blog would know about this other blog, so what would be the point venting there if nobody sees it…
Hmmm, a vent blog… That would be quite cruel to the reader — only angry and bitter posts.
Perhaps I’ll keep a local blog and vent there. Although, what’s the point of keeping a memento of things you’d rather forget… Perhaps I could put them all in a category which I then specify as “slippery” (there’s a plugin) so the vent posts are never shown on front page. OR use the Does Your Mother Know plugin and put my own IP in the list!