25 days and counting — down!

I’ve set the date: May 5th. I’ll gather my things and get out of here!

I should seriously start packing but I haven’t got around to it. I have so much on my mind, so much I should be doing that I can’t manage to start anything. Agh.

Here are some photos Dad took while we were doing a preliminary check. I kept admiring the place and only noticed a few things in the walls but Dad pointed out e.g. the cupboard you see in this picture:


Believe it or not, the trash bins which are on a trolley don’t fit inside the cupboard now that there’s some piping in there, too. I don’t know how on earth they’ll be fixing that but I’ll see on Wednesday…

Here’s a better picture of the balcony:


It’s huge, I tell you.

Dad took pictures of the little flaws so there aren’t other pictures to show off really. But, after May 5th there’ll be some more, I’m sure.

Electric goodies — check

Oh goody goody goody. Now I’ve acquired all the necessary electricity-slurping gadgets for my new home: I bought a TV (32″ LCD), a digital receiver (I need it for my DVD/VCR and just for the ease of recording), a washing machine, and a vacuum cleaner. I didn’t yet get a microwave oven, a printer-scanner, or an iron because those can wait; and I can carry them home by myself, now I got a delivery for the stuff I bought today. I’m getting them delivered on May 2nd so they’re hopefully ready by my move-in day. (I wanted to have a little leeway in case the delivery is delayed.)

I also found a dinner table + chairs that I really want. I had found a similar set before but I was worried about its quality. The ones I saw today are much better quality and the size is more fitting too, I think. So, the problems now are: sofa, bed, and storage (books, DVDs, CDs). I’ve booked a meeting with an interior decorator (please don’t laugh, I just want some ideas on how I should arrange my living-room. It’s so difficult!) which is hopefully next week (I haven’t heard back from them yet).

Hmm, I suppose I should get the electricity, too… ;)

I went shopping… (surprise?)

Today I got bought a bed, a dinner table and chairs, a tv table and a bookcase. I’ll have to wait a couple of weeks for the bookcase, the tv table, and the bed frame but luckily the dinner table, the chairs and the mattress were in storage. Those are the most important: somewhere to sit and sleep. I’m having them delivered next week so they’re ready before the move (and I could stay over-night right away if I feel like it).

I still have a sofa to buy and a computer desk. I’ll have to do some measuring for the living-room to find out whether the sofa I’ve planned is the right size. Don’t get me started on carpets, curtains, and lights… I think there’s something curtain-y here (and my aunt said I could have some curtains she bought but didn’t end up using) so I don’t have to hurry with that.

I must say I loooooove the dinner table and chairs. That’s probably going to be my favourite place in the whole apartment. I’ll have to snap a photo as soon as I get them. I have an idea for the lamp but I have to see one “in person” to decide whether it’ll look eccentric or excellent.

It’s really coming together, step by step.

[Edit @ 5:19] Got too excited too early. The sales person had completely botched the bookcase order. The pieces she ordered didn’t make any sense. I was told to call her cellphone and I’ll try and sort it out. Hopefully I can go to another store of the same chain where I can go without someone driving me.
[Edit @ 6:22] I called the sales person and she’s going to call me tomorrow from work so we can re-do the order.

Guess what Dad says about this bookcase debacle? “That’s what happens when I’m not there.” Argh. I don’t think I did anything wrong. It was too botched up to be only an issue of misunderstanding. But in hindsight, I should’ve double-checked the order with the catalogue in hand.