Yesterday I had finally had enough. I evicted my 8-legged friends; yes, plural. Another one appeared next to my door so I couldn’t take it anymore. Don’t worry. They went to the… um… the amusement park for spiders. The rollercoaster… *looks all innocent*

[edit] hmm… I was sure I had put a “Been freaking” purple text about the spider in my toilet, but I hadn’t. Or had, but only in the previous layout and didn’t remember to add it to the new layout’s blog… Now it’s there, May 14th [/edit]

Oh yeah, I still have my TV. Dad agreed that it would probably just sit in the repair shop over the weekend so he’s taking it on Monday. (*gasp* final episode of Sex and the City before summer break is on Tuesday)
Updates: Finally I find a fanlisting for dictionaries. Do you know how much I love dictionaries?
Note to the nice dictionary fanlisting keeper: if you read this :) I just forgot to thank for the fanlisting so I thank you here, thanks! :)