Posts in the category "Word of the Day".


Word of the Day: Wonky — shaky, awry, crazy
(picked up from Black House (the book I’m reading…))

This is another excuse for posting a WOTD… Although, I have posted JUST WOTDs or QOTDs and nothing else. Oh well.

I forgot to watch the 2nd part of the gross parasite series but luckily (darn I’m lucky — no, really) they re-ran it on a digital channel and I just happened to check the programs for the channel in yester’s paper. And it just happened to be on later that night.
This time it wasn’t that gross (although there was one maggot) — only mosquitoes and diseases they spread. Of course it’s awful to have malaria, sleeping sickness, etc. in the world, but I’m talking about the *gross-factor*.

@ 9:58
Ok, this is weird. :shock:
The library man just called me. Yesterday I went to the library to look for a grammar book but it couldn’t be found anywhere. Now it had emerged. How did he know who I was? Very spooky. xD (I know there’s not a smiley for that, but sometimes I just can’t resist you know) I have to make one myself if there’s a blank one available.
Oh yeah: Due date 13.8. (I can’t access my menu (on the right) from work)
I didn’t desperately need the book but I couldn’t NOT go get it :) It might turn out to be useful cause sometimes I do need some grammar info which is difficult to find online.

@ 15:28

Finland gained its independence in 1919.

Says Bartleby (or The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition). That’d be 1917, thank you very much. Unless the Americans wouldn’t accept the independency until 1919…? And actually wouldn’t that be independencY (not independence)? Oh, no, sorry. Both are good.

Memory gaps

Word of the Day: curmudgeon — an ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions; a churlish, irascible fellow; mocker, debunker

@ 15:31
I’m pretty sure I woke up with my mobile in my hand and the alarm clock slash radio playing music. Both indicate that I had woken (or not…) to the alarms and silenced them — and fallen asleep right afterwards. But I’m not completely sure.

Look, I’m a bicycle!

I don’t understand Part III:
– why some people think they’re bicycles
lots of people walk smack in the middle of a cycle path on the street
– yesterday a woman with a pram didn’t get on the bus because there was one step! I was all ready to help her to lift the pram in but she took one look at the bus and left. It didn’t cross her mind to ask for help?

Word of the Day: guffaw; I sort of learned that today, I’ve always thought it was “guwaff” I must’ve misread it when I was little (I’ve never *heard* it). Oh yeah, it means hearty, boisterous burst of laughter — or a corresponding verb

In a way I finished the homepage I was making for my aunt. Now we’re anxiously (well, I’m anxious at least) waiting for the details to arrive so I can start uploading and setting up things. Very exiting!

Murphy’s Law

This morning when I came to work, our servers were down. Luckily Windows worked. Now, at 10 am one of the project people arrived and the servers were still down. She had only Linux on the computer so she decided to leave because she would’ve had to leave early anyway. Almost instantly after she had left, I noticed the servers were back up. :D
I should’ve just kept my mouth shut (I told her the servers were down) so maybe she would’ve taken enough time to settle down and the servers would’ve started working by then.

@ 12:25
New word (I knew it before but didn’t know how it’s spelled): brouhaha — uproar

Memento moment

Updates: the buttons and links to the 3 newest fanlistings I’ve joined — found in the right column

Had a Memento moment this morning (oh yeah, I watched Memento yesterday. I bought it “ages” ago…). I came to work thinking (OH! Another thing… I’ll tell about it soon) I need to wash my hands (there was a hobo in the tram; could smell him 3 meters away) so, I walked by the toilet on the way to my room. When I was going to get my daily water I thought “doh, I forgot to wash my hands” so I went by the toilet again. But, the sink was wet and there was a paper towel in the trash. The building is pretty empty this early in the morning (and probably everyone is already on holiday — although I did notice our study councellor was here and she should be on holiday). So, I think I washed my hands the first time around after all.

The other thing. About.. 2–3 weeks ago I saw a guy in the traffic lights with a backpack that said “Jack Wolfskin” and “X-File” on it… I have no idea what that backpack was about… And every morning since then I’ve remembered that I should google it and every morning I’ve forgotten about it by the time I get to the department. But NOW, now I will remember it.

*goes off googling*

OK, so, it’s some actual product name. Most of the sites are German. That is just so odd. Why choose a name like “X-File”?

A new word I’ve learnt recently: vanilla – basic or ordinary

Sad story

Word of the Day: Meh – verbal equivalent of a shrug, means indifference (and other similar things). I’d never seen that word written before last night and I think it’s so comical. I don’t know know why, maybe I connect it with something funny where I’ve heard it. A bit like ‘knackered’ makes me always think of Jamie Oliver and when I see the word I can “hear” him say it :)

There was a truck parked on our neighbour’s front lawn for quite some time (since autumn) and a bird had made a nest under it. Mum told me that yesterday when they came to tow the truck away after it wouldn’t start, the bird was just going to take a worm to the “kids” but it didn’t dare go near the truck cause there were people around. After they towed the truck away the mother bird didn’t understand where the nest had gone and it kept flying around the place where the truck had been. That’s so sad. :cry:

Updates: Joined Blue Cheese Fanlisting
Day 4 without my TV: Watched ER and taped some new restaurant reality tv show thingy… Rocco something [edit] never got around watching it though[/edit]. No problemo.

@ 23:54
Decided to try a step bigger font for all things me; it means that the pages are longer but at least you can see better :)

Started playing Morrowind (Elder Scrolls III) today. I haven’t played much RPG (Final Fantasy 8 only I guess — on Play Station 1) cause I don’t really find it interesting, but I have to try. The game has been sitting in the shelf for ages. (hmm… as if I didn’t have enough games installed on my computer already…)