Dear Constant Reader, 
Song of Susannah came out yesterday!! Not in Finland though, I presume.

Didn’t update (i.e. go online) today; I was playing Tomb Raider AOD all night… whoops. Addictive, especially cause I’m doing so well 
Anyway, I had a dream about a flying squirrel that kept flying (or gliding) around and landing on people’s heads. It was a cute creature though. [Note to self: look for a picture]
Oh yeah, Hmph, some people (I sent myself notes on email from work
about that dream and this)
I know my, let’s say, “formal restrictions” (I’m formally challenged
in politically correct terms) and I dress accordingly. Not some people… noooo. There’s this girl whom I’ve seen at the bus stop a few times now, and she wears a pretty short college shirt and her belly shows from under it. You know, sagging from under it. You get the picture. And if you don’t, be glad about it.
Day 17 without my TV: BUT I got it back! And it seems to work! *hugs* ahh… smells good. TVs have a strangely good smell about them… maybe it’s all the dust and electricity and components. I don’t know. Anyway, yay! \o/
A bee got in while Dad was carrying the TV from the car. It (the bee) bumped into me even though I tried to shut the door quickly (but the wind/pressure change sucked the bee inside). Scared the bejesus out of me. (I’ve never been stung by a bee, and I’m not planning to be.) Funny, I had just read Man in the Black Suit (Everything’s Eventual) on the way home.
Yesterday I almost got photographed at work; they insisted there should be a photo of me outside the project’s room as there’s a photo of the others (but it’s so nicely arranged now that there’s 6 people, 3 pictures in a row). Well, as one of them said on the day I “moved in”, I would be teased
They “threatened” to take a surprise shot one day.
Today at work I was invited to the coffee clique so tomorrow I’ll take my “Toxic Waste” coffee mug with me and leave it there for the time being. *gasp* What if someone steals it?!
Still listening: Maroon 5 This Love
Talking about listening… Today I took some CDs with me to work meaning to listen to them in the quiet hours (I’m there around 8:30am, others come around noon, they’re working part-time). Well, I did the necessary Linux stuff to get the CD working, plugged in my headphones — they were broken
the other earpiece didn’t work at all, and the other made a crackling sound and only worked when I held the cord. Well, I went to ask if there’d be earphones to borrow and it started a Key Hunt. It was embarrassing!! The computer guy went to ask for keys from the office and the lady there (our other computer person) didn’t find them and kept looking everywhere. I kept saying it’s not so big a deal but they wouldn’t listen. Well, finally they gave up and I retreated to my corner. Luckily he/they didn’t appear with the headphones later in the day. Hopefully they’ve forgotten about it. Tomorrow I’m taking my other headphones which actually work.
Eh… it’s only 9th and I’ve produced this much cr….text. Do I have to start archiving semi-monthly? This text is already longer than the left side column… And me complaining about it only adds to the length