Posts in the category "Miscellany" and its subcategories.

Yeah, I’m still alive

Today I read the strangest definition for ‘blog’: a website, which is regularly updated. Which means this — currently — isn’t a blog.

I clicked on to Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes from Blogging Pro. An interesting read but I’ve raged about item 2 in the past: using a photo. I understand that people want to see faces, but who wants to see my mug? I don’t! How shocking would it be if I posted my photo and you’d see that I’m actually male?

I am, however, going to implement some of the enhancement ideas. When I was designing this site, I didn’t find a good colour for visited links (I did notice that some of the links, in blog content, lose underlining after a visit) so I forgot about it (accidentally!). Also I’m going to try and list some of the “must-read” entries but I’m afraid I might not find any (This is a blog for dog’s sake! Not a magazine. Why do people take blogs so seriously? It’s supposed to be fun, not 2nd or nth job (for most)). I did have a category for these, something like Minna’s picks, but apparently I removed it at some point (or it doesn’t have any posts!).
(There’s a list in the archives now.)

Jafer woke me up from my work-daze. In addition to not having written in over half a month (I honestly don’t know how that’s possible), I haven’t finished a book since July! (I’ll need to check my papery booklog, but the one here says July.)

I had hard time not laughing today. A group of people were talking and roaring with laughter (at work, of course) and I was sitting at my desk. Because I wasn’t in the group I couldn’t laugh along but I kept bursting so I had to leave for a while to cool off. I went and washed my coffee mug. Interesting, innit?

I’m so shallow!

Finally, FINALLY, I found nice shoes! :laugh: I’m all giddy about it and can’t wait for next week to try them out. They’re black (duh), ankle-high boots with a little heel. It was difficult to find shoes with a less pointy tip, but I didn’t find round ones either so I had to make a compromise. Anyway, I’m glad I have a little warmer shoes for the autumn because some mornings have been too chilly for me in my Scully-shoesTM.

Dad really likes to go shoe shopping with me… (that is, he doesn’t, really really doesn’t) so I’m glad I sometimes find something. The winter shoes (ankle high-boots, hmm, am I dull?) were found in the same store as these new ones and I really really love the winter shoes, too.

We didn’t have time to do a lot of shopping (it was dinner time), so sometime soon we’re going again. I need that MP3 player (and a cell phone but I’ll probably wait on that) — just need to figure out which. Ugh, just when I cancelled my student allowance…

Bugs bug me a lot

Bug #1: I’m having a nasty cold. Throat hurts a lot a lot and I cough all the time. My nose runs (catch it!) too, but that’s a given. All that really makes it difficult to sleep even the few pathetic hours I get per night.

Bug #2: Email spam is getting more difficult to spot. Although the topics are often odd, some of them are vague enough not to ring alarm bells. Pro: the email address where I get most/all of the spam is going down soon. Con: I’ll have to give my new address to a lot of places… and have to remember what those places are…

Bug #3: Surprisingly, there were Trojans on Theme XP‘s installer files. I’m not saying I know that’s a trusted source, but it surprising anyway.


I could never have believed I’d say this: I don’t like Robbie’s songs. The newest… songs?… he’s done are weird! Radio I can bear nowadays, but this newest one, Tripping, doesn’t do justice to his great voice at all. It’s that dude he’s been writing songs with, it’s ALL HIS FAULT!


Little addictions

There are a few things I can’t get enough of. One is noodles :laugh: and one is Robbie Williams. I just saw a documentary on Robbie and it got me wanting to listen to the CDs, once again. So I am. Listening. To the CDs. Once again. And enjoying it as much as ever.

Now I even have a cool Sound Effect program to make it sound like he’s singing right next to me. :mrgreen:

What are you addicted to? (the legal stuff, that is — no gory details, please…) I know what Jafer’s going to say: Tim’s :)


I’m the webmistress of my aunt’s website (for a stable) and I’m currently updating the photo section. There was a new photo to add with their horse and a donkey — and an enormous pile of doo-doo.

Living the last day of my Photoshop trial I decided to use the Healing Brush Tool (don’t know if Adobe Elements has it, I hope so), so I wiped the pile (no pun intended) off the photo. I hope it’s ok with my aunt. :)

Doo before

Doo after

Quaint, isn’t it?

Coughing in the rain

Ahhh… just what I needed — the flu. Well, what other can you expect from getting soaked on the way home from work on Friday and getting 80% soaked at and on the way home from an open-air concert on Saturday. (But we got to see Poets of the Fall! They were “the next artist” after we had decided to leave after the next artist.)

Oh well, flu or no flu, I can’t be sick so I just won’t. *stands defiantly* Currently I’m sipping black currant fever/flu/sore throat medicine and writing ontology documentation. I should probably ask tomorrow whether I’m still full-time at work… A day off might just be what I need.

Gigantic grin

Big grin

Yeah… I’ve got lots to smile about… a wisdom tooth removal “recommended within a year”. The notorious tooth is in bottom left corner.

(Really difficult to scan an X-ray.)

Dear Blog Critic,

I am actually female. I’m probably not a nerd, but I’m a wanna-be nerd.

(If you can read Finnish check out #72 at Blogi Kriitikko X, but basically it says that I claim to be a nerd even though apparently there are no female nerds (says who?). So my writings are either just bluff OR I’m actually male who tries to seem interesting. Hmm… which is it?)

Fashion statement – not

Today as I was walking down the stairs from work and had to adjust my left sock, I noticed I was wearing one blue and one black sock. The accursed blue socks I accidentally bought after a long day at ex-job! Am I weird if this incident upsets me greatly? Well, it does!

Luckily I didn’t notice it in the morning. That could’ve spoiled my day.