Posts in the category "Miscellany" and its subcategories.

Work grief

Yeah, I’m stressed out on the 2nd day.

No, not really. Just blabbering about work because I’m really really tired (I worked till 5:30 — don’t worry, I didn’t do overtime). Part II of bad habits: I can’t take breaks.

I didn’t eat at work today or yesterday; yesterday I was too nervous to be hungry, today I didn’t have anything to prepare and people/person I could’ve gone to lunch with ate in — I’m also nearly incapable of going to lunch alone. Also, I often work non-stop, because I don’t have the excuse of smoking to take a break and if I do take a break (in front of the computer for instance, maybe to check mail) I’m afraid people will think I’m not doing my job (not that there is much work now that I’ve just started). I did get a cup of coffee and ate a banana today. Hurray. :roll:

At the Uni project I sometimes went to eat alone when I was really really really hungry, so maybe I’ll learn to do that when I’m more used to working at this new place. Maybe I even dare use my Cookie Benefit (cookies and coffee + condiments are on the house) one day.

Vacation after all

After a damn bad night (barely 3 hours or sleep; for no reason) and a brain-wrecking exam, I’m looking forward to my 5-day vacation. I do have a dentist’s appointment, course feedback meeting, and a project meeting, and I have to go to the library some day (to take back all the books I read for the exam). Anyway, what should I do now? How about an X-Files marathon (I recently bought Season 6 DVD box not long after finding season 5 — pretty lucky, wouldn’t you say)? Am I done with the reading for a while or should I walk on with Roland, Susannah, and Oy (Dark Tower VII is waiting to be finished — begging, in fact). Or what about slaught… I mean, game fest? Second Sight is in a intriguing phrase: chapter called Confrontation. Who will I confront?

Everything sounds so tempting. I’ve got all the time in the world. Till Tuesday. Luckily I don’t have to be at work until 10. (My kinda time of day.)

There’s something about Batman

I have a confession to make: I’ve liked Batman ever since I was a little girl. Yes, I watched the cartoonish Batman series (“POW”) — religiously. Every week anxious to see how Batman and Robin get out of the traps evil Joker, Penguin or whoever has got them in. I even saw a lot of dreams of Gotham City. Full moon. Dark city skyline. Niiice.

Yesterday I saw Batman Begins (I started writing this yesterday but was too tired to finish). My friend was amused by the movie. I was fascinated. It was wonderful to see the development of all the equipment — very rough at first (oi, the car *chuckles*) and of course how Batman evolved (or Bruce Wayne, that is), and the connections to all things Batman. I’ve never read the comics, so I don’t know how faithful the movies are to the original story; my sister claims the beginning of Batman was portrayed wrongly in this movie (I told her the plot). I can neither disagree nor agree, because I can’t remember any details from the other movies.

This was a wondeful Batman movie. Serious enough (no Joker, and no Michael Keaton), gloomy enough, surprising enough (I don’t try to figure out movies while they’re running, I take twists as they come — I do often figure out things before they are shown on screen so don’t think I’m stupid). It was delightful to hear Bruce Wayne say “does it come in black?” My kind of guy. :) (Now, if there only was a real one out there somewhere…)

Game rambles

Last week Second Sight arrived from a game club but, alas, it was missing the key code sticker. Before returning the game to get a new one I emailed the club with the game key doubting that would help. Lucky thing I did, because they were able to give me the code which I really really hope works… then I’ll get to throw mental hospital guards around with my PSI powers — can’t wait!

I still haven’t finished with Vampire the Masquerade, hardly started Farcry, haven’t even touched True Crime or Deus Ex 2 for that matter. I’m afraid DE2 won’t work on my computer, I’m in the process of getting a new one — I’m trying to find a machine good enough to my requirements. The problem is, I’ve only found computers that have a lot of Ghz, but not enough Gb, or vice versa. Hmph. Too bad Alienware is not available in Finland. I’d like one of those fancy laptops. Maybe I’ll have to travel to England for a little computer shopping; I wonder what the customs would think about that. Oy the taxes…

Now I must get back to the Quest of the Mysterious NullPointerException. I just want to go home because I’m so tired! I read Dark Tower VII all weekend (only 168 pages to go!) and noticed that reading is tiring. Perhaps because it’s a dream-like state without the refreshing qualities? No idea.

You gotta believe

Go to Google Moon and zoom all the way in…


Shame that feature has been removed. There was cheese on the surface of the moon!

The end of a wonderful time

Blah. My parents came home from the summer cottage today. I had been “home alone” with my sister and the dog since Thursday, and it was soooo wonderful (if you don’t count the fact that my sister was there). I worked from home these three days and it was much cooler here in the basement than at the department where I have to gasp for air from the window every once in a while.

I didn’t get to be on the computer a lot (perhaps I could’ve, but I chose not to), instead I continued reading Dark Tower VII — at last. On Saturday I did go to the movies (Mr. and Mrs. Smith, very good and funny, and well acted), and a bookstore… Loot: Dead Zone, Skeleton Crew, and Gerald’s Game (!!!!!). Gerald’s Game is the only book that has ever made me nauseous, which makes it very good! I’ve been looking for it for a looong time.

My sister complained that she never gets to be home alone. I guess the youngest always have to get everything younger than the first-borns — which annoys me immensely. I was properly home alone for the first time when I was 22 — last summer that was. My sister just turned 17. Of course, she wasn’t alone this time, but without the parents it’s almost as good.

No more shopping

… at least for a while. I was supposed to find a storing box for a stack of loose DVDs, instead I bought hangers, 2 King books (Thinner and Night Shift), a bedsheet (for the blanket cover+pillowcase set I bought yesterday along with a set for my sister’s birthday), and the Indiana Jones DVD boxset. Earlier this week, looking for the boxset actually, I bought the XF season 5 dvd box. And a while ago I bought Shawshank Redemption and Christine DVDs…

Digging gold

\o/ ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh \o/
Check this out:
DVD box
Guess who found and bought it today! No, not “some crazy person”… oh, you did mean me. Yup, that’s correct. All episodes of season 5 (including Chinga, written by Stephen King!!) plus extra!!! I know, I know, they’re showing XF on tv too and I’m recording it, but do you honestly think I can resist an XF (or alien…) item when I see one?


This makes me want to redesign my XF site…

Free as a donkey

My aunt just wrote in an email that I’m free as their donkey grazing outside. She was referring to my ability to try out jobs here and there because I don’t have the burden of a family. Well, that’s one way to look at it. More optimistic than the one I’m currently having, at least.

Donkey… :laugh:

CV – the story of my life, a little polished

I just sent off my CV (resumé, thanks to Chriske for reminding me of that word — I thought I was only forgetting Finnish) to the Dream Job. My puny CV…

They wanted to know about my interests too, but I didn’t mention I like to read horror (I put “reading”); I didn’t mention my fascination of first person shooters and gory games, but I did mention games and homepages (no URL, though, gosh) under “computer” hobby, so I hope they’ll just think my motor skills are excellent. At least it’ll make me stand out of the skirt people (sorry Jafer, you’re the only female FPS player I know besides myself); don’t know if that’s good or bad though. I don’t know if I should’ve mentioned my fast-as-a-lightning touch typing… I didn’t, that is. But I also don’t have any proof of that, just urban legends…… I probably underestimated my language skills, but I think I’m crap at everything but Finnish and English, so I wrote that (not *crap* per se). Then again, I shouldn’t have. But then again, there it would be soon evident that I lied if I had exaggerated.

Luckily, I guess, the job thing was postponed to early autumn, so I can work in the project without worrying I’d have to turn down the one or the other. So, now I’m just waiting for the verdict — Bonkers.