Posts in the category "Miscellany" and its subcategories.

Hey big spender

I jafered mildly today. I bought 3 King books: Desperation, Insomnia, and Misery. I grimaced and left Cujo, Carrie, Cycle of the Werewolf, Tommyknockers, Hearts in Atlantis, and Skeleton Crew behind, possibly Four Past Midnight too (plus several Bachmans but I couldn’t remember which are bound together in the Bachman Books). I also found a game (Contract Jack), and boring things like shampoo.

to jafer — to shop a lot (a benevolent coinage [no pun intended])

[edit: May 7, 2005] Well, that was a short game. It didn’t take me even 2 days to finish (and that wasn’t 24/7 playing). I’m very disappointed. I hope Farscape comes soon from the game club — and that it works on my computer. I may need to uninstall a “few” games. [/edit]

Christmas came early (or late)

After complaining about not updating my other sites, I finally found something new to add to TGWLSK: 3 new books I bought today; Green Mile, IT, and Firestarter. I’m going back tomorrow with a list of books I have, because I don’t have Desperation yet, for instance, and I saw it there (I’m desperate to get it, har har).

It was quite a lucky find today because Firestarter is a paiiin to find in the libraries (read: it doesn’t exist) and IT’s been quite difficult too. Now I have them! And I only have to wrap them in book plastic and finish the Cook I’m reading and I get to read them too!

I also placed an order on the Bachman Books.

Creative crisis

I’m liking this current layout — which I’ve had for 7 months! — so much that I find myself keeping away from the new layout under development. It’s pretty much done, but there’re some things that bug me, and the final polishings are the most “tiring” of the whole process (type a little, refresh site, type, refresh ad infinitum). If I had another site that I updated as much as this, I could make a layout for it. I’m too pleased with my current layouts (except for the X-Files site, gosh) so I don’t have an urge to change them. The XF site is too much work to change (unbelievable amount of graphics) and it’s not unbearably bad (the header images are bad).

Someone hire me as a web designer!! :laugh: Kidding!

Petals Around the Rose

Petals Around the Rose
This had me baffled for quite a while. Try if you can figure it out.

Hide and google

Chris J. Davis and Shawn Grimes among others wrote how people shouldn’t hide behind nicknames and abstract Gravatar icons. I used to have my whole name on my site but I don’t anymore. Why? Because I got scared a couple of times.

In Finland connecting your whole name with your address is very easy, especially when so many people own cell phones (it’s harder to look for me in the phone book — one of few perks of still living at home — but my cell phone is registered under my name). I don’t have the luxury of being “John Smith” (sorry, Mary Smith) in a country of dozens of millions of people. And because of that, some people (who turned out to be weirder than they seemed at first) have let me know that they know exactly where I live. That bugs me, because I definitely don’t want to meet them. Why was I so stupid that I gave too much information for them to do that to begin with? I don’t know. I was naïve.

I don’t keep a blog because I want my whole family reading about me, about my revelations on how I stay up till 6 am writing a big paper — not that it’d be a horrible thing if they knew. Then again, back then when I didn’t have a computer of my own, Dad wouldn’t let me have the power cord for the laptop, because he didn’t want me to stay up too long. I think I sneaked upstairs to get the cord when the battery was low and returned it before anyone woke up (I got up at 6:15 that morning). I don’t like the possibility of someone too close reading something I wouldn’t want them to read. At least I don’t want to make it any easier for them to find me. Maybe I’m just too paranoid; Dr. Phil says that people wouldn’t think so much about what other people think about them if they knew how little others actually do think about them. (Now there’s another tidbit you’d probably be better off without.)

To be honest, I don’t really even know why I keep a blog (or a site, for that matter). I’ve noticed I read my old posts quite often so it’s sort of a diary on what’s been happening (which doesn’t interest anyone else), but I do manage to actually write about some clear topics at times. My other sites (XF, Stephen King, aliens) which I’ve neglected horribly recently function as databases of information for me (how selfish am I?!) and if someone else finds something useful or of interest there, I’m pleased.

OK, back to topic (or at least closer). My Gravatar is from my current layout. It was a hasty solution because I didn’t want to be without a Gravatar on Jafer’s site :) The icon doesn’t have my mug because I don’t think it’s presentable (my favourite coffee mug might be). If my Gravatar were my face, I wouldn’t comment anywhere because I wouldn’t like having to look at it all around!

In addition, I took the Gravatar idea as a representation of my site, not my self. I wouldn’t know what represents the true me (besides that damn mug of mine). Definitely not a bright splash of purple, and a square of black would be too depressing.

At least I use my first name here so I’m not too “bad” a person.

(I set out to write something that makes sense. I’m afraid this doesn’t — much. Maybe you do better.)

Obligatory www

I hate sites where I have to write www. at the beginning in order for them to work. Almost all the university sites are like that.

Tic toc

I have a very persistent tic on my lower eyelid. It feels like my eye is bulging out my skull (intentional reference to Green Day’s Brainstew). I hate it!

It doesn’t matter when for example one of my fingers is twitching (my right thumb has a mind of her own), or eyebrow, or back, but a tic around the eye makes the field of vision jitter. Once I had a tic in my back for a long time and the next day the surrounding muscles were really sore. Now I’m just getting a little motion sickness and headache…

Is there any remedy for these? Ouch.

Tic, Myokymia — A habitual spasmodic muscular movement or contraction, usually of the face or extremities (; twitch typically brought on by stress or fatigue (

I’m so eXited!

Yippee!! Woohoo!! And whatever you can think of-oo!!

The X-Files reruns are starting from the 1st season, they’re showing 3 episodes per week, and I have a DVD player to record them with.

What am I going to do with the 30+ video cassettes I have already? Well, I don’t know how much they’ll have time to show this summer, so only a fraction of the tapes is getting useless.

*does a happy X-Phile dance that includes popping sunflower seeds (Oh! I need sunflower seeds!)*

Subtle spam

I got a genuine looking comment to my post on games suggesting a game site. It wasn’t exactly relevant but close enough. I checked the commenter’s referrer and even though it wasn’t from one of those disgusting gambling/medicine/loan sites it was a weird looking Google search. The spammer had searched for fitting keywords (puzzle and games) AND the string “leave a comment” which rang my alarm bells. I checked a few of the first links and found a similar comment (under a more suspicious name) on another site. You ain’t getting through here, buddy.

Shame on you!

Not funny!!

It’s 11:15 pm and I’m ready to go to sleep.