10 years ago, give or take, on January 21st we moved to this house. We used to live in a 2 bedroom (+ 1 study) apartment but it got too small for us after my sister was born and grown to be old enough to need an own room. For a while we slept in the same room (oh horror) but I got a study made in a big walk-in closet where I could do my homework in peace and only had to sleep in the shared room. Sharing a room with a little sister wasn’t nice, especially when she was sick, threw up on the carpet and got to sleep in my parents’ bedroom while I had to stay in the smelly bedroom.
The winter when we moved was a very snowy one, like this one (at least amount-wise). That Monday, 23rd, I had to travel by bus to school for the first time. It was nice, though, that I got to end my 6th grade in my old school even though we’d moved out of the city. That Monday, I happened to be at the bus stop at the same time with my English teacher, it was windy and snow flurries everywhere. Then she taught me the word “blizzard”.
I got to have the room downstairs. It used to be a garage and then it was made into a storage and finally into a bedroom. It has a door that leads outside — it’s hardly ever used, only to bring heavy stuff in because there’s the strip for the garage, and once our dog (the previous one) ran out during a sleep-over when my friend was sitting on the doorstep — and a very own toilet. And it’s huge. It’s going to be a shame to move into my own apartment that’s going to be the same size as my room now but with toilet, kitchen and everything crammed in the same space.
That year I got to keep a birthday party because we finally had enough space (I had had a great party once in our old home, too). I invited my whole class except the only boy. Thanks to that party, I had surprise visitors several years afterwards when we all had went our own ways, each to a different high school (or vocational school).
I also got a real piano at last. In the apartment I had an electric piano which didn’t do good to my touch and finger strength but at least I could play with earphones on. With a real piano it’s somewhat difficult to play without anyone hearing. (With the electric piano I could also open the window, crank the volume up, put one of the demo songs on, and make our downstairs’ neighbours green with envy
I’m sure they didn’t even hear it…)
Memories… I always wonder how people can remember all kinds of interesting little things. Apparently I do too, only they’re the odd ones that don’t really matter much I guess.