Posts in the category "Miscellany" and its subcategories.

Happy New Year

Before the day changes I have to wish you a happy new year! I’ve spent my new year’s day playing Sims 2 after having finished Half Life 2 yesterday. I’m thinking of writing a review sort of thing on HL2 but I have to see how it develops…
I think I’ll get back to Sims now

Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code

Da Vinci Code Being a best-seller I felt dubious about this book (I did wish for it, however). Best-sellers all seem to be mushy romantic novels for stereotypical middle-aged women (I added the word stereotypical to exclude all potential readers, just in case, because no living person is a stereotype :mrgreen: ). Nowadays best-sellers aren’t so bad really — Grisham-type of books which are good, and detective/suspense novels which I don’t care for.

Probably the most noteworthy feature of this book, apart from the over-used word ‘immaterial’, are the numerous riddles that guide the protagonists on their adventure. More often than not I found myself thinking “why don’t you get it already?!” Have I read too many Enid Blytons when I was a kid? (I didn’t read a single Nancy Drew, mind you. They are too girly.) Nevertheless, I love a book that shows the author has gone to a lot of trouble to give their book some extra seasoning, or jooshing :razz:

The name, Da Vinci Code, is in my opinion a bit misleading. I was under the impression that the story would include a text found below a painting by Da Vinci (Mona Lisa for instance). But maybe the name refers to the certain way to code texts. Which way? You’re going to have to read the book or familiarize yourself with Da Vinci.

Wouldn’t it be great if everything in the book, the historical “facts” and truths about religion were true? I don’t know if they are or aren’t, but I read somewhere about a site that disects all the facts presented in the book and sets them straight. I didn’t read the site back then, obviously, because I hadn’t read the book yet, and now I can’t remember where I saw the link. I don’t really like this kind of uncertainty. Facts should be facts and fiction fiction (ah, the possibilities of ellipsis). That is my opinion, that is. I want to know if it’s safe to blurt out my “book-knowledge” as smart comments if opportunities arise. And most likely, this kind of knowledge — sponged out from recreational reading — is going to stick in my head better than the one acquired while achooing through history books.

I do recommend Da Vinci Code to anyone and everyone. It’s very catchy and interesting. If you like feeling more intelligent than an educated symbologist and an experienced cryptographer you should definitely read this book.

Read: 29.12.2004 — Rating: * * * * *

Author’s website

Steamy nuisance

I’m waiting for Half-Life 2 to get all done — now it’s decrypting game files (oh what a draaaag this is! If it wasn’t Half-Life that I’m talking about, I’d probably be put off by all these nuisances) . The most annoying thing is that it has to be done online (first creating a Steam account and then updating files and this decrypting business), and with my 56k modem (in theory, 46,6 in practice) it’s not very quick.
[edit] Now, at 22:50, it has taken me over an hour. [/edit]

What did I get for Xmas? Well, Half Life 2 as you probably guessed. Also a terrestrial digital receiver. Both from Dad, and he was the one telling us to get only 2 gifts max this year. Apparently we didn’t talk about the money limit… Not complaining though, I’ve been meaning to buy a digital tv and a VCR because my current one (combo) is kaput, now I only have to buy a regular tv and a regular VCR — money saved is money earned.
[edit Dec 25] Dad cleverly pointed out that I don’t even need a TV, only a VCR and I could get a VCR-DVD combo while I was at it. I have been using my computer as the DVD player so I have to think about that, but the current cable that connects the tv and the computer is too short. [/edit]

What else, well a nice new blanket, Da Vinci Code (which I asked for), a USB memory (it was a company present to Dad though but he’d already bought a memory stick), new clothes (RED pajamas and a RED t-shirt/top from Grandma and Grandpa, Grandma’s really thinking I’d wear that top some time. I’d be responsible for a few heart attacks — I’ve worn black for 8-9 years. Well… who knows. At least this was a change from the usual blue (I don’t care for the regular blue))

Only a few centimetres left of the decrypting metre so I think I’m going to get back to it, grab a chocolate while I’m waiting. Enjoy your Christmas! I know I will — while shooting evil creatures.

[edit on Dec 25th, 0:28] Still not getting it working offline… [/edit]

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

So this is Christmas. We get to celebrate it a day early as we celebrate 24th not the morning 25th. Njah njah njah :mrgreen: Everyone have a merry Christmas!!

I installed Spam Karma so let me know if there’s a problem. I’ll test it out on this post, too. [edit] or not… all my evil comments are getting through — oh well, I just gotta wait and see [/edit]
[edit: Dec 29] Oooh, it works beautifully. [/edit]

Insert unimaginative title here

The wind outside is unbelievable. The chimney makes a lot of noise and I bet Amadeus is freaking out. Earlier today I walked to the post office thinking that as long as the wind doesn’t stop me from walking, it’s not too bad. :) I mailed a Xmas gift to Katrina, Australia. Late as usual but I can’t break the tradition now can I? I also fetched a package for Dad which contained a present for his (and Mum’s) godson — one of them, the youngest of them. “Hyttynen” (mosquito). Yup. One of those.

Yesterday I went to see the baby of a high school friend of mine with another high school friend of mine with whom I’ve been in touch after HS though. The one with the baby boy I hadn’t. The baby (will be christened in Jan, name a secret for now) was soooooo beautiful!! Or should I say handsome :) We, excluding the baby, talked for 4 whole hours about all that had happened after high school. That was nice. I’m waiting for a message in Jan telling me the name :)

The other day, probably on my way to meet the high school friend, I started thinking about a proper blog topic and I remember being excited about it. Not having had my notebook nor any other paper-y thing to write on, all I can remember now is “Alkaseltzer”. And reminiscing on that doesn’t bring ANYTHING back from what I was thinking… Actually, *what* was I thinking?!

So, Xmas is coming. Feels weird, as if the year has gone by really really fast this time. I didn’t even buy me a Christmas calendar this year — first time. I’m happy that I didn’t have awfully hard time finding presents this year. Well, I cheated a little: I asked some people what they wanted.

Anyway, I can’t wait for Xmas eve (yup, we weird Finns celebrate it on the eve). Carrot casserole, sweet potato casserole. Oh, and presents :) I know we’re only getting a couple this year (we’re getting old… I know) but still, I can’t wait. I can’t wait to see which game I get!!! :mrgreen:

Guess who has a terminology project due the end of the year. Wa-hey. :neutral:

Running on caffeine fumes

I got 3 hours of sleep last night.

That’s right. I went happily to bed at 0:15 thinking “well, it’s going to be a short night but not too much”. Then, with Cockburn’s (pronounced ‘coburn’) triggers and goals and actors and scopes and variations swirling around in my head, I was still staring helplessly at the clock at 3:15.

At 6:15 I got up, a bit dizzy, feeling as if I’d just gotten my eyes closed. Mug of coffee, cereals and off I went to the train station.

All things considered (like the sloppy 1-2 hour studying the night before), the Introduction to Application Design exam went alright (I think so at least). I always get crazy ideas when I’m tired, at least more creative than when I’m my dull and well-rested (*cough cough*) self, so I drew use case diagrams and sequence diagrams on making coffee (and related).

After the exam I decided to run around in shops a little. I got my godson one of these from DinSko, in kids’ size, of course. Paw slippers for my godson

(Looked better when the theme had a purple background…)

I hope he has enough sense of humour for those — I believe he does. That’s all I could find but I re-hit the shops with a friend of mine. Couldn’t find much then either but at least I know where NOT to look.

But, NO COFFEE today. Not after breakfast. My sister ought to be proud.

Hold on, does Caffe Latte ice cream count?

Photogenic pooch

Picture time at last!!

Amadeus and a ball of yarn

Amadeus and a swing

Amadeus and his favourite pastime — as if his breath wasn’t bad enough
Amadeus and a shoe

Sorry about the purple background; different theme was in use back then…

<del>What</del> is <code>going on</code>?

My member page on the WordPress forums looks interesting because I’ve replied to posts that have tags in their titles. So there are lines that have a line through which annoy me more than the one line that has monospaced font.

I’ve noticed that I’m extremely allergic to the sound of a Jew’s harp (munniharppu in Finnish), someone “plays” it often around here and it just drives me up the wall. (uhhhh… speak of the devil)

Accidental treasure hunt

Last night I was listening to music (Escapology by Robbie W), burning a vanilla candle and cleaning up my desk (I strongly believe the candle had something to do with *that* :wink: ) Among a stack of receipts I found a 10 euro note (I have a bad habit of stuffing the change and receipts in the same place in my wallet). Christmas came early for me :) Well, the money will be spent on gifts, but it was a nice surprise anyhow.

Talking about gifts, I’ve got that lot pretty much covered. Some I’ve bought and the rest I’ve planned. Now it’s all a question of finding.

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

I recently finished playing Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Boy, had it changed since its early days. I have the first PoP on Gameboy (the “black-and-white” (more like grey and green) version, even) and I’ve also played it on PC.

But the Sands of Time blew me away with its graphics — almost. Beautiful scenery, nice movie clips. But the enemies were a bit clumsy (especially the harem girls).

I love the Prince’s acrobatics. Running along walls (no, it’s not really possible in real life), jumping from flag poles… Sister got tired of the wall-to-wall jump never going the way it should be, but I didn’t have such difficulties. At first I thought that when I had found an effective way to attack, that’d work through the rest of the game. Luckily, that wasn’t the case.

Some fights started to feel hopeless and I probably would’ve given in and tried a cheat if there was one. Luckily again, there wasn’t. Usually I got stuck in a difficult fight when it was late and I’d been playing for a long time but the next day (or the next time I played), with fresh eyes, fresh mind, and better reaction time, I eventually kicked the sand creatures’ butts and felt really really good about it. So, lots of sighs of relief and cries of excitement are expected.

The Prince receives a useful set of special abilities with a dagger he finds at a palace. Rewinding time is most useful, and most used, I’d imagine. Slowing time (super-freeze?) was something I managed to get going only by accident and I never used it. There was a difficult situation where my sister had to use it; strangely, I never got stuck in that place. I tried to help my sister, but it wasn’t as easy on her computer as it was on mine.
A bit like this jump I thought was very easy in Splinter Cell but Dad, whose computer runs a “little” faster than mine, had serious trouble with it (me too, as I tried to help him). Praise the slow machine!

Then there’s the puzzles. Almost every step you take is one. There’s never a straight-forward way from point A to point B (unless you place your points a really short distance away, you cheat :mrgreen: ).

The music is a delight. The soundtrack is entirely Stuart Chatwood’s doing. The tracks are a mix of oriental strings, disco pop (I don’t know!), and quite heavy-ish guitar rock at times. I especially like the short introductory music that plays when you fall in the prison. That should’ve gone on for longer.

What annoys me is the way the camera works. Its course is somewhat limited and when you roll the camera “too far” it comes back to an awkward angle along with a swoosh sound. Also, the camera may change place suddenly, and because the directions are relative to the camera’s angle, you end up going back and forth if you’re not careful and take it slowly. Camera angles also make it difficult to determine which button you should press to jump to the right direction. Not a nice feature when you’re dangling from a stalagmite (dripstone) that will break apart fast.

On the second round (which is on-going) the game was easy-peasy at the beginning because I’d learnt all the tips and tricks I would learn later if it was my first round. The enemies probably didn’t even realize what hit ’em! But still, I got stuck again.

I can’t wait to get my hands on the next part, Warrior Within. I hear it’s got so amazing graphics, that it’d be worth even to just *watch* someone play it. [Pelit]

Game’s website (displays the newest, there’s a subpage for Sands of Time)