Just seeing things
I have this recurring dream or nightmare or hallucination — whatever I should call it.
I think it happens right when I’m about to fall asleep: I “wake up” and see an enormous spider, a black tarantula-looking thing, walking on the bed next to my pillow. At the time, still half-asleep/awake, I’m actually aware that this happens to me a lot and I know it’s never been anything, but I think this time the thing just looks so real (and huge, and moving!) that I have to turn on the light — which I in reality do because I’m not sleeping properly yet — and make sure.
Unsurprisingly, there’s never been anything. Not even a big crinkle in the bedsheets.
I think it’s strange that this happens to me so often, because I’m not particularly afraid of spiders. I don’t like them but I don’t have a phobia either.
There’s also the dream of a mouth full of loose teeth (I hear it’s quite common). Ugh, I really hate that one. Luckily I haven’t seen it in a while. Maybe chewing gum helps…