Posts in the category "Miscellany" and its subcategories.

Prince Charming

Amadeus, 8 weeks old

Here’s Amadeus at 8 weeks old, just before he arrived here.
That’s not my hand, it’s my sister’s.


He arrived on Friday night. Amadeus.

A shaky white bundle of fluff, unsteady on his feet but eager and quick to run around. He enjoys sleeping in someone’s lap, but also whenever someone stands or sits in one place for too long, there he comes, lies down and sets his head comfortably (for him) on one’s foot.

He likes eating fingers and toes (with or without socks; the smellier the better, it seems), my funny zigzag-hemmed shirt is extremely interesting as well as the fringes on the carpet and table cloths.

Sometimes he gets “crazy fits” and races around, growls in a cute baby voice and shows the toy mouse who’s who.

There’ll be photos, I promise.

Meet Amadeus


There he is. And on Friday he’ll be here.

Possible addition to the family

When I get home tonight, there might be a puppy waiting.

My parents and little sister are going to my sister’s friend to see their Pekingese Chinese Crested (see for example Dog Breed Info Center) puppies and my sister has her eye on one of them, a full white one (not albino, I was told) called Nipsu (it’s the name of the goofy, big eared Moomin character (looks a bit like kangaroo), if you know those).

Dad has been wanting another dog/puppy for a long time and he’s been telling how cute these Bichon Frises are (fluffy dogs, feel like you’d break them if you held them); he’s seen them at work (CEO’s dogs). Of course, I think dogs are wonderful and I wouldn’t mind having Nipsu around. I’m just not so keen about the puppy age……..

[edit: Nov 2] Well, there wasn’t a puppy but it’s pretty certain that we’re getting Nipsu (or whatever his name will end up being, sister suggested Frodo but I oppose). The breed changed from Pekingese to Chinese Crested because sister remembered it wrong. Luckily “Nipsu” would be the powderpuff type, i.e. not hairless. [/edit]

[edit: Nov 3] Last night we (sister and I) came up with the name Wolfgang Amadeus. Nickname is still undecided but I’m rooting for “Ami” (I think that’s French for ‘friend’, at least there was an XF episode called “En Ami” and it’s title was a play with the idea that it means ‘friends’ but for the English speaking sounds like ‘enemy’ (CSM was being unusually friendly towards Scully). [/edit]

Oh happy day

1) Finally the bill for the domain/webspace arrived (although they couldn’t have terminated the service if they themselves had forgotten to send a bill) AND I’m loving this domain :)
2) I was able to help someone on the WordPress forums. I also decided to register.
3) Tommyknockers has arrived at the library AND the library is open till 7pm today so I can go get it!
4) I’m getting my 2nd paycheck tomorrow :mrgreen:
5) We’re going to see my grandparents’ new house on Sunday (I was there helping with the move, but now it’s going to be sorted out — all the wonderful stacks of books on shelves)
6) Tomorrow I’m seeing a friend of mine whom I haven’t seen in a long time AND I’ll be working only about 5 hours
7) The treaded group projects are coming along nicely albeit barely on time (the story of my life… :P )
8 ) I have the Father’s day present bought, over two weeks early (now I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that Dad doesn’t buy the same thing on his own) AND I have one Xmas present (well, at least 80% of it) already stashed
9) The coffee is very good this morning

@ 14:45
Words of the day Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum (= manyplies), Abomasum; very useful, the stomach compartments of a cow (and other ruminant animals I just learned). I know them in Finnish (which some people find strange) and I suddenly wanted to know them in English…

Unearthly goo

I had a disturbing but interesting dream this morning (yeah, it was this morning — eh, noon). I suggest you don’t read this if you want to keep any sort of positive or girly/cutesy (yeah, right) image you might have of me :razz: No need? Image already bad enough? Go ahead then…
Continues »

Book deficiency disorder

I’ve reserved Stephen King’s “Tommyknockers” at the library (there’s only one copy in the capital city area libraries) and the person who has it hasn’t returned it yet even though the due date was on the 18th. :???: I don’t want to reserve any other book in case Tommyknockers arrives soon. (IT is available; Firestarter is nowhere to be found — in English that is; of Insomnia there’s one copy available, and the rest I’ve read.)

I don’t know what to read now. I’ve almost read Salem’s Lot and with luck (i.e. noisy people on the bus which hardly is luck as such) it’ll last till I get home from work on Monday. But what next? I can’t carry DTVII with me cause the cover might get scratched :shock:

Maybe I should think about broadening my horizon… Maybe some other author in the horror section might be able catch my attention. Koontz? Straub? J.K. Rowling?
Broadening outside horror?! Whoa, I’m not ready for *that* big a cultural shock!

Politically correct

I found this test at Mama Write

You preferred Kerry’s statements 100% of the time

Voting purely on the issues you should vote Kerry
Who would you vote for if you voted on the issues? Find out now!

Birthday enthusiasm

I texted my aunt asking that she’d pass on happy birthday wishes to my godson (her son, obv.). I also told her that the gift would be arriving next week because I went to the post office yesterday evening after the mail had already been picked up for the day. She replied telling that my godson had enthusiastically asked how soon is ‘next week’. Gee… I hope he isn’t too disappointed: I only got him a little Bionicle dude. It did have a very cool disk launcher with a glow in the dark disk, though.

Word of the Day Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia — fear of long words :razz: (The Phobia List)

Obsessive-compulsive powderer

This morning in the bus a girl sat next to me and after a while she picked up a powder compact from her bag, pawed all over her face for quite a while, and put the powder back in her bag. After a while, she picked up the powder from her bag, pawed all over her face again, and put the powder back in her bag. After a while, she picked up the powder, pawed all over, and put the powder back. (At this point I was biting my lip so I wouldn’t laugh.) Then she went on putting the rest of the make-up. Good thing she didn’t put any more powder (she did apply blush though, had me fooled for a second) cause I may have injured my lip badly…

I bought a new dictionary today: The Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang by Jonathon Green. Am I an Obsessive-complusive dictionary collector?