Posts in the category "Miscellany" and its subcategories.

Business idea

The other day I dropped by a pet store to get something for our doggy. He seems to like anything that smells horrible to humans.

In many stores we have one or two opened packages of perfumes, makeup etc. (called testers) for shoppers to test the product. While I was looking at the sealed packages at the pet store and trying to determine smell just by looking at them I started hoping for a pet food tester…

I couldn’t decide which was the smelliest so I picked up some of

Note to self

I was going nuts over the weekend after a crazy week (not to mention long hours) at work. All the scheduling stuff (or more like, “oh no, how on earth will I manage this!”) was stuck in my head all weekend and my brain was going 100m/s. You can imagine that I was having a “little” trouble sleeping.

Last night after going to bed at 9:30 — because I had decided to wake up at 6 am — and still tossing and turning after midnight I finally decided to write down all the things that I had stuck in my mind.

Whew. That helped. I just wish I had thought of that Friday night…

Always a disappointment

Mum’s birthday is coming up and I was thinking of maybe inviting everyone over for dinner and coffee. She’s been talking how she should come over some day to see what has happened since her last visit. What’s holding me back? I’m scared Dad would have something to complain about the food again, that it tastes bad or weird. I’ve baked a lot of things and there’s always been something wrong. I do know Mum makes better food but she’s had a “few” more years to practise. (And she always makes the same dishes while I experiment.)

Nothing would make me more happy than hearing a compliment from Dad on something — anything — some day. We have a good relationship and I’ve always been a Daddy’s girl, so I don’t understand why I can’t seem to be good enough in anything.

Urgh. Thinking about this just makes me angry and sad. I need a distraction.

Plus one

I received a wedding invitation today. On the envelope it said “Minna plus one”. I almost took it as an insult (I know it’s the custom, that’s why I say “almost”). I don’t have a plus one!

Any takers? ;)


Better late than never — tomorrow and Saturday I’ll rrreally celebrate. Or Sunday, even though it’s a little late then.

X-Files hangover

Last night I watched three season 1 episodes of the X-Files (Fallen Angel, Eve, and Fire) and woke up today with a horrible headache. That’s not fair, I had only three! :)

Happy new year everyone!

Merry Christmas(time)

Someone in this building seems to have gotten their very own WLAN and maybe a netbook for Christmas. A brand new network has appeared in the selection (called “own wlan” — clever). This one is locked — kudos to them.

Myself, I’m typing away on a fancy new keyboard: a Razer Lycosa. The blue backlighting of the keys nicely match the blue lights on my computer. I don’t like blue but this blue I can like. I haven’t yet tested this in action — I just installed it and haven’t yet restarted the system. I got this from Dad. I got tired of my basic keyboard once the browser button suddenly stopped working and I couldn’t figure out how to re-program it to start up Firefox. The basic keyboard has no special settings anywhere. Then I started looking for keyboards and I shouldn’t have googled “keyboard”… I stumbled across a site reviewing Razer keyboards and that was it; I couldn’t settle for a dull Microsoft board anymore. I mentioned the brand to Dad and said I couldn’t even think of asking for it for Christmas because they are more expensive than the basic keyboards. But he insisted.

Razer Lycosa

Well, this keyboard doesn’t have a browser button, but it has customisable macro buttons so I’m hoping I can get an easy access to the programs I need. This does have media buttons which are also important to me. Now I need to learn the new layout: the media buttons are in the top right corner now, not in the center anymore.

I spent the Christmas eve and most of Christmas day at my parents. The muffins were a hit but the sweet potato casserole wasn’t. Apparently it wasn’t a taste they are used to. Well, of course it isn’t because Mum never uses sweet potato. They like the same ol’ same ol’ every day. I’m more into trying new stuff. And my sister didn’t try it at all because it’s a casserole… Oh well, more for me. It’s not tastier than the sweet potato casserole I usually make so I’ll keep making it until I find a better recipe.

My Christmas Star was offended when I chose not to celebrate Christmas with it. I had watered it on the morning of 24th, and when I got home in the evening of 25th it looked like this:

Christmas star

Come on! You can’t expect me to sit home alone talking to a plant on Christmas! :laugh:

[Edit] Yeah, I programmed Scroll Lock and Pause/Break to work as my browser and email shortcut keys. I never use those anyway and they’re in the same area where those special keys used to be on my old keyboard so I instinctively try to push a button there. [/Edit]

[Edit2] When I told the boys at work that I got a Razer keyboard for Christmas one of them commented “I heard they’re not that good.” Er, what’s the point in telling me that? To make me feel bad about my present? [/Edit2]

Me so tiny

I nearly got squished by the bus door today. I was last to step out of the back door (being polite as I am) and the driver closed the door right in front of my nose. I climbed back up the stairs, raised my voice to have the door opened (hm, that usually does it) — nothing. People helped me by pressing the stop button and shouting to the driver who finally let me out.

I shouted (laughingly) that I must be so small he can’t see me.

Yeah, right. Short maybe. Small not.

What a relief

A few days ago I realised that the day for paying residual tax (or receiving returns) is quite soon (December 2). The problem was, I had no idea where the tax return form1 was because of the move: All my papers are still in bags, folders or boxes until I get my desk and bookcase.

For the life of me I couldn’t remember whether I had to pay or whether I’ll get a tax return. If I’d get something back it would be no problem if I didn’t find the papers but if I had to pay something… :shock:

Before the move I knew exactly where the form and other important papers were (that is, in the pile of papers on the stereo speaker or the one in my bookshelf) but now I had no idea where to start.

Yesterday I even went shopping for a ceiling light so I could see while rummaging in the closets. (Not the only reason to buy the light — to hunt for the form — but it was a good incentive.)
Lucky me, I picked up the exact right folder and there it was, right next to the form from 2005…! Apparently, I was two and something euros short but they don’t collect it because it’s such a small amount of money.


Next year I’ll put the residual tax (if any) scheduled for payment the day I receive the form and put a reminder in my calendar, too.

1 We get the tax return forms ready filled and just have to correct them if something is wrong.

Hairy scary

You know what’s unsettling? Going to reserve a time for a hair cut and see a hairdresser with horrible hair…

I’ll see tomorrow morning whether my hair will end up just as horrible. Bye bye, locks.