Posts in the category "Miscellany" and its subcategories.

I’m not dead, just sort of lethargic

I just finished making a new start page for my domain. It uses JavaScript to hide the descriptions by default and when mouse is moved over the icon, description is shown next to it. If JavaScript is disabled, the descriptions are visible all the time.

Yesterday I went to see Hannibal Rising with my sister. It was alright, quite interesting and unlike some critics, I don’t mind that Hannibal’s evilness is explained by his childhood. It’s the story that counts and Thomas Harris has made the story like that (I suppose, I haven’t read the book yet). I didn’t quite understand why the mask was a sort of a “costume” for Hannibal. He tried a mask on that looked a lot like in the other movies:

Hannibal Rising - the mask

But he had to wear the mask in prison to prevent him from biting people!

Hannibal, older movies - the mask

Oh well…

Turning 25 brought out the Elvis in me

I’ve had a little muscle tic on my upper lip all day. It feels pretty annoying…

Anyway, today at 1:23 pm I turned 25 — quarter of a century. The moment the clock hit 1:23 my face fell down and my joints started aching, very bizarre. ;) Well, no, only my knee’s been acting up today.

I’m now closer to 30 than 20. At first it felt like “oh no, I don’t have time to do much more” but that’s just because I hardly remember what I did last year, let alone 5-10-15… years ago (I’m only a bit farther evolved than the goldfish).

I’ll turn in for the night now. See, the age’s getting to me already! Actually I’m just a little disappointed that I can’t play the night away because tomorrow’s a workday.

Happy pre-birthday to me!

I went shopping today in order to find some summery(-ish) clothes for Australia (and in general, too). I actually did find clothes: a dark purple lightweight shirt, a red/gold striped shirt and a white shirt. Now, all I have to do is find strappy tops to wear with those. I still have to find something festive, but I have 3 weeks left.

While I was relocating myself from one clothes store to another I walked by a gamestore with big SALE signs at the door. Well, of course I had to go in. Guess what I got? Splinter Cell Double Agent! (I had to call Dad to make sure he hadn’t bought it for me.) I just installed it and luckily Twin Peaks, which is on tonight, is re-run tomorrow so I can start playing right away. Ahhhhh. Or should I wait till my birthday? Naaah.

2 hours to go

There’s about 2 hours to go of this year. What do you remember about it? What did you do?

I probably don’t remember anything — I never do. I do remember starting project managing in February-March and after that it’s been quite a ride (with occasional long days). I also remember being very happy at work and enjoying it enormously.

The planning and preparations for my

Beautiful World

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas!

I got Tomb Raider Legend to play and Take That’s “Beautiful World” CD to listen to. I had asked Mum for the CD and when I didn’t find it from her presents, I was quite disappointed. But Dad had bought it instead after Mum had told him I’d asked for it. :)

I also got money (instead of a gift card to a bookstore) so I’ll go buy “Lisey’s Story” (Stephen King) on Wednesday. I saw it a while ago but I didn’t want to buy it before Christmas, just in case. No one gave it to me so I’ll have to buy it now! (People don’t usually buy me books they know I want because I’ve most likely bought them already…)

I also got a nice business-like bag from Mum, a 1 Gb USB memory stick from Dad, “Silence of the Lambs” from my sister (I was going to buy it but she wanted to give it to me), dishes and things like that. I got a cute little notebook from a friend of mine whom I saw yesterday and I was looking at notebooks because I thought I’d like something like that for Australia. Good thing I didn’t find one I liked! The one I got is just perfect to carry around in Australia (I’ll need to write down everything because otherwise I’ll forget).

Hmm, maybe I’ll try Tomb Raider now. I get to listen to the CD a lot because I’ll copy it to my phone.

What did you get for Christmas?

Merry Christmas!

I bet I’m not the only one who really needs this long weekend. I’m exhausted — I’ve been yawning since 8 pm.

Today I was waiting for two remaining file deliveries, from Spain and Sweden. I was supposed to have them in the morning — I didn’t. Around 2 pm I started asking if I was getting them soon. Spanish file arrived almost right away, but I had to nervously wait for the Swedish file till almost 4 pm. Luckily, it arrived too and I was able to send all the files forward like I had promised to send them this week.

Yesterday I was told there’s an update coming today to one of my projects. I waited: 1 pm, no update yet, 2… 3… 4… pm, no update. I thought, “oh no.” Soon after 4 pm I get an email. I grimace and take a peek inside. “The update is almost ready for you but I’ll send it after Christmas.” What a wonderful Christmas present! I was able to leave work on time.

I won’t be doing anything special at Christmas (hurray!). I’ll get to sleep later than 6.30 at last; maybe I’ll get to read a little (I’m reading “The Ninth Gate”), watch some movies (I’ve bought many DVDs that I haven’t had a chance to watch — especially because the DVD player hooked to my TV is kaput), play a little (maybe a new game even!).

I have no idea what I’m getting for Christmas — I can’t wait!

Past the exhaustion threshold

I’m tired but frisky. After a 44.5-hour workweek (Thursday was a 10-hour whopper) I’m now trying to finish some assignments for a course (due Friday, but my Saturday doesn’t start until I’ve slept, so I hope turning them in tonight will do). I was dead-tired when I got home from work (after a 8.75-hour day) but now it’s getting easier. Maybe the coffee (it was instant, however) and the coke (the beverage!) have something to do with it.

Still, I can’t wait to get to sleep!

Pride before a fall

This is what happens when I get too cocky old and cranky


Yesterday I was walking through the mall (it was late and I was fluey so maybe that’s a better explanation than cockiness) and there were lots of kids (that is, teenagers) sitting around. I thought “humph, kids” while walking to the stairs — and of course I stumble and bump my knee on a stair.

The last time I thought “humph, annoying little boys” I tripped on something invisible on the street. Maybe I should just remember to be nice inside my head as well…

(In the upper corners of the photo you can perhaps see the scars from my knee surgery in 1997.)

Christmas shopping

Today I went shopping with my sister. I hadn’t bought any Christmas presents yet (unless the stamps count) but today I found a present for Dad, Mum, my godson, a friend, and our dog. I also bought “The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer” DVD for myself.

The doggie present was taken into use right away. It’s a bright orange safety vest with paw-shaped reflectors on both sides.

I still have to think of something to get my sister and my Australian friend… After that, I’m ready for Christmas.

DVD packages need a diet

Slim DVD This is an excellent way to package a DVD. Who needs the thick plastic covers? They do offer better protection to the disc but aren’t people able to mold plastic in many different ways? Why not make a little slimmer packages? I could fit my small DVD collection in the shelf much easier…

This here DVD is special edition of the Ninth Gate.