Posts in the category "Mobile phones" and its subcategories.

I didn’t ask for this job

Apparently I’ve been mistaken for an advertisement board. The phone I bought contained a pre-installed software for a wrong service provider. When I turn off the phone, it first displays this huge red logo for that wrong service provider and then Nokia (which I don’t mind). I guess when I turn on the phone it displays the same logo. The software is for easy-to-use WAP services which I wouldn’t mind, if they weren’t from the wrong service provider, thus unavailable to me. I wrote an angryish comment to the company (which sold the phone, not the wrong service provider) asking if the software could be removed, and the response was “the software must be updated, which costs 25 €”. So, I’ll just have to live with it. Perhaps one day I’ll make the wrong service provider a right one, if they offer good prices (I haven’t got a bill from my current provider yet — that’s how inexpensive they are), and can actually use the services already installed on my phone and flashing that annoying red logo in my face. Until then, I just have to keep my phone on all the time.

Hindsight is 20-20; I maybe should’ve asked if they had a phone without the darn pre-installed software. Or maybe I should’ve taken my money elsewhere. Agh, I’m so stupid. (But I still love my phone despite its huge red flaw!)

New toy

Pretty pretty pretty!!

Nokia 6101

I bought this today. I’d been trying to decide which model to get and this, Nokia 6101, had stuck to my head; nothing I compared it to seemed better. So, I decided on it. It is a folding phone so I’ll have to get used to it, but somehow it seems better than the short phones with which you have to decide whether you want to hear well or want the other person to hear you well. :)

The ringtones were disgraceful 80s disco jiggajiggas so I picked up a new one (a Robbie song). I was trying to find a game (Sudoku and/or Trivial Pursuit) but the sites claimed the games weren’t compatible with my phone. I’ll have to keep looking.