Posts in the category "(Odd) people".

Pro or con?

Oi, how some people complain every time there’s a new .x upgrade to WordPress. “Why couldn’t they make it good enough the first time around?” “Upgrading is such a draaaaaag.” So, you’d rather have an upgrade every 2-5 years at most? You’d rather wait that long for a cool new tweak in a feature or a fix to a flaw? Why is it so difficult to grasp the concept of an on-going open source project where the users actually have a say in what the “product” is going to be like? (And at the same time everyone complains how Microsoft and Mr. Gates are so dictatorial.)

After theme structure was introduced to WP, upgrading changed from pretty simple to very simple. Unless you want to go hacky-hacky with the core code, I don’t see any problem with deleting a couple of files and uploading a couple. Sure, there are some files and folders you’re better off not deleting, but there aren’t so many you couldn’t remember them all. All the important stuff is in the database which you don’t touch during the upgrade.


Or am I just too happy-go-lucky?

Discrimination on a public transport

When I hopped on the bus, a tall man in front of me shows his travelcard to the card reader; he pushes a button to pay for his trip but nothing happens so he walks away (into the bus). I show my card — unlimited, pre-paid travel — to the reader, nothing happens, I grunt and walk into the bus. But the driver stops me, “it didn’t read your card.” I say “the machine must be kaput” but wave the card again and luckily it works this time. Why did he stop me and not the man who should’ve paid for his trip? I must look like a juvenile delinquent.

delinquent; juvenile delinquent — A person who neglects or fails to do what law or duty requires. A juvenile guilty of antisocial or criminal behavior.

That’s not funny anymore

There’s a guy at work who seems to take nothing seriously. It’s usually fun, he jokes a lot and he’s funny. Today we (a couple of people) were talking about my studies and I told I had promised Grandma I’d have my bachelor’s degree by next December when we meet up again (of course we meet before that, but we have a special Xmas meet-up in December). This “joker” said ‘blaaaah, your grandma’s going to be dead by that time’.


I get the little teasing and I don’t mind it, but that was just plain rude.

Odd people

At work there is a person who coughs in a way that makes me think they’re choking. Also, their cough sometimes develops into a Donald Duck impersonation. Charming.

A student counsellor/thesis guide sort of person at my department wrote me asking if I have thought about master’s thesis stuff. I replied (“yes, I’ve thought about it but I want to get my bachelor’s first…”) and I get a response at 10:30 pm! At 10:30pm they should be watching the sports news. Dedication?

I’m probably odd for writing this. Forgive me, I’m a little tired, I’ve been correcting hundreds (566, still some fun left for tomorrow) of idiotic tag errors by a translator who happily slammed each 100% match from the translation memory into the text even though they were obviously incorrect. Dunce. It’s so sad it’s funny (at least I’m more of a laugher than a nagger in desperation). Oh, we have good laughs at work. I’m lucky the people I work with are wonderful.


Did I just hear someone say that “I got some warning message here: ‘WinDVD is not your default DVD player. Do you want to set it as default DVD player now?”?!?


Desperate Spammers

Ahhh… hilarious. Some poor sod is trying to write JavaScript alert popups in comments. His (no offense guys, but I bet it’s a he) newest attempt is a recursive function. Clever.


Blabbety blab

Someone let loose a loud blabber in here. She talks so fast I don’t understand how the people she’s talking to understand a longlistofconnectedwords she says. And she shrieks, too! Luckily my day’s done soon… :roll:

Crash a violinist

This morning I noticed that a famous Finnish violinist got on the bus (with his girlfriend, tsk tsk, they were all lovey-dovey — ohoy! yellow press! :laugh: ). When he was getting off the bus, the driver almost crushed him with the doors! Whoops. :shock:

Later, when I was standing at the tram stop I noticed a box for skates and remembered what I saw last week: An elderly woman walked briskly to the bench, sat down and tore open a box of figure-skates, and threw the torn box to the corner on the right. I went as far as to suspect she’d stolen the skates and getting rid of the evidence. I don’t know. I really don’t.

As a side note: just finished reading Angels and Demons during the break at today’s digital media techniques, and started reading Digital Fortress right away.


It’s amazing how some people don’t seem to read what’s been written before they reply to a thread. Just check out this thread at the WP Forums, and see how this Deborah is trying to help… Also, Lorelle was being very helpful, too (she does reply to a lot of threads so I’m sure that was a temporary lapse).


Greedy little…

A lot of the time when people post their site links for others to see at “Strut your own stuff” (I’m talking about WP forums), pretty soon someone will write “that’s cool/beautiful/nice/awesome/the best layout I’ve ever seen!! Do you have it for download?/Please make it available ASAP!!!1”

What if the person has worked their butt off to get a beautiful, ORIGINAL, DISTINCTIVE layout? What if they don’t want to stumble across a clone everywhere they turn? Some people have miles and miles of themes in their theme switcher (right next to the miles and miles of blogs they apparently read), and they add to the list practically every theme they can get their hands on.

I know I’m being too hard on people who don’t have the knowledge/patience/interest to do their own themes but that is my opinion and this is my blog! :mrgreen:

Disclaimer: This writing is by no means affected by the fact that I’ve been doing my portfolio layout for hours and hours (loving it though, but the theme pleads — in a wrong place — are a pet peeve). I might modify the layout to fit here, too :razz: It could be an invigorating change.