(sorry, I’m not very good at [spelling] English interjections, hopefully you get the point)
It’s amazing how one person can produce so much suffocating stench. I don’t remember one single morning recently that there hasn’t been a smelly hobo/drunk on the tram stop or in the tram. *Outside*, at the stop, one can smell them from 5 meters away (!!) and when they get on the tram the smell soon spreads to every corner.
After yesterday’s hacking-hacking I decided to make a new category for posts called Tweaks. I’ll try to document what I’ve had to do to make the blog the way I want it to be — as a reference to myself mostly so that I can re-do them if something happens (or when I update WP etc. and all my hard work will be copied over (or whichever operation the update requires)).
Crazy language + statistics note:
I seem to favour 3 same-letter variations of different interjections. For example: awww, ewww, and phoooweee as in the title of this post. Language Log had a wonderful post (called Aw+
) on the subject. Apparently, I’m following the hordes. Unintentionally!
Why I think I use three letters? It’s the shortest ungrammatical cluster of same letter. So, it stands out (well, at least somewhat, compared to cluster of one or two) and is economical.
Oooh… I almost slipped an eggcorn (I’ve read WAY too much LL). I first wrote “hoards” instead of “hordes” but luckily checked it.
Regular expressions are nifty. I just wrote in an *informal* report on “what on earth I’ve been doing all summer” and when I would’ve had to write “subdirectories and subdirectories’ subdirectories” (or “subsubdirectories”) I simply put (sub)+directories which my professor will surely understand (the + is a Kleene plus meaning >1, a Kleene star * would be >0)
The cleaning lady had brought me a waste-paper basket. Very kind. Too bad I’m finishing work on Monday…