Posts in the category "Site" and its subcategories.

Something new, something blue

Now, there’s a new header image on both the index page (splash page… I want to have it for the counter) and the blog/etc. Simple, but I don’t think they look too bad.

I also wanted to test what it looks like to have two entries on a same day.

Updates… New pages, old blogs transformed to this look (no possibility to comment on them though) and a page about my university papers (titles only! ;) ). I got the idea after getting the Stephen King paper this morning. You know what, Dad said I should send it to some translators’ magazine!! :D

And I know the wedding thing is something *borrowed* (or old..) something blue…

The Beginning

This is officially my very first Greymatter entry. Yes… I caved in. I thought I’d keep blogging “powered by coffee and noodles” — which still applies of course — but I wanted to try something new. Besides, with this I don’t need to have an FTP program and all the settings with me and I can blog anywhere.

There’s still stuff to do, I’m formatting my old blogs to this new layout as well as the all things me pages (domain, booklog….) but the other sections are still available as before. Please bear with me.

And believe me, I am going to make a better header image :D
:!: Notice:
– Dates are day/month/year form
– Times are “military times”, i.e. 24 hour clock
– Ps. means there’s something more to the entry, usually “footnotes”. I don’t yet know how the feature could/should be used.
– You can use <b>, <i>, and <a> tags in the comments (bold, italic, and link, respectively). For example <a href=””>some text</a>
Links (email or www) will be automatically generated, though, so you don’t have to worry about linking.
[edit] the comment page will list the allowed tags [/edit]
– Your email won’t be posted on the site, only your homepage address (if given).

Lara Croft and the Chipmunks

Updates: Notes on Carrie in TGWLSK
I started playing Unreal II after I got stuck in an annoying place in Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness (if you’ve played it: I’m stuck at the Ghost part… not because of the ghost but because of the damn picture…). TRAOD is a good game adventure wise (lots to play) but very bad quality wise. It has lots of bugs, suddenly Lara’s leg disappears and is replaced by a funny line that goes diagonally from her waist to the ground (I should take a screenshot the next time that happens…) or she shakes uncontrollably when she’s crawling under something (or running/walking up/down the stairs in a not straight line). Also, she goes nuts when she has a gun drawn (and there’s an enemy nearby) — automatic aim is not always a good thing I’ve noticed. Especially when it’s badly done. It’s VERY annoying when the enemy is somewhere below you… And, of course — there was the chipmunk + Lara thing (speech going too fast) which I got fixed though (by tinkering with the DirectX settings.
As I told a friend of mine, the game designers were probably concentrating on something else than the overall quality of the game (namely, the jeans-covered quality of Lara’s behind…).

STILL listening: Maroon 5 This Love

Last night I dreamt that we got a new dog — a white poodle that I suggested we’d name Simone (I just realized… it’s almost like Simon (name of my computer)). Dad’s been telling how he’s seen very cute bichon frishés; one of his colleagues (at least) has bichons and sometimes they visit the office — I saw one last summer.

Grhm… and I was going to refrain from babbling… (at first there *was* only that line about the update)

@ 20:55
Updates: Fanlisting check and I joined Brad Pitt fanlisting; I’m a real convert. I used to think he was only a pretty face along with Johnny Depp (and he’s really good too!) and Tom Cruise (still can’t stand *him*…) but he’s REALLY GOOD! Especially when he has to fake an accent. :) I mean *act* an accent.

I’ve also started liking Kiefer Sutherland because of 24 (2nd season)…

Little Grey Men

New section done. Linking to it from all things me and some stuff inside that section still to do. But anyway. It’s done. I’m just not online now so I won’t update it. I wouldn’t even if I were, cause it’s not done yet. I’m a wannabe perfectionist, remember? :)

Oh shoot! I have to update that menu image there! < ---- [edit: June 27] There used to be a menu image :) [/edit] I hope I have it in an unmerged/unflattened format... @ 14:29
Updates: Now… menu image updated and ramblings on the new section at all things me, and of course THE NEW SECTION!!!!! Little Grey Men – my alien collection. I love the layout if I may say so myself.

Hidden hedgehog crouching Minna

Updates: those very cool underlinings for blog’s dates.

Doing the new website project. It’s almost done layout wise but not even started content wise.

Went shopping today with Dad. :) Clothes this time. I found a nice shirt (sleeveless, black, cotton).

There was the cutest little hedgehog running around in our front yard this afternoon. S/he was carrying branches and making a nest under our neighbours’ stairs.

Hedgehog picture from Nature Lover Gifts

Critics should check their resources

I’m living in yesterday… Anywhooo.

Updates: FINALLY a Splinter Cell Fanlisting; I was this –> <– close to starting my own…

Been very tired today. Slow start in the morning. Don’t know why though cause I slept perhaps for… about 6 hours. Maybe it’s the sleep deficiency from the beginning of the week.

Oy vey! A tv critic claimed in the newspaper today that the Sleepwalkers is based on a Stephen King book that “experts say is thicker than Xmas ham”. And what book might that be, Mr. Critic?

Started playing Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness today because my sister stole the Morrowind…….. I had problems with the sound though (think of chipmunks and Lara…) but I found a tip how to fix that so I’ll try with better luck tomorrow or w/end.

Tomorrow I’ll be moving to a new desk at work. I’ve been separated from the other people working on the same project so I’m really out of the loop. :) I mean, they should be telling me what they need from the ontology. I’ll also get my hands on the parser soon.
Hopefully my lunchbuddies will remember me even though I won’t be on their way… If they don’t, I’ll be eating 1 choco cookie per day for lunch…

Announcement: Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah out in 5 days (June 8)! And DT VII: The Dark Tower is coming out on September 21 — King’s birthday :)

If Meredith chooses Ian tomorrow in the Bachelorette, I’m going to cry! Not of happiness!

Sad story

Word of the Day: Meh – verbal equivalent of a shrug, means indifference (and other similar things). I’d never seen that word written before last night and I think it’s so comical. I don’t know know why, maybe I connect it with something funny where I’ve heard it. A bit like ‘knackered’ makes me always think of Jamie Oliver and when I see the word I can “hear” him say it :)

There was a truck parked on our neighbour’s front lawn for quite some time (since autumn) and a bird had made a nest under it. Mum told me that yesterday when they came to tow the truck away after it wouldn’t start, the bird was just going to take a worm to the “kids” but it didn’t dare go near the truck cause there were people around. After they towed the truck away the mother bird didn’t understand where the nest had gone and it kept flying around the place where the truck had been. That’s so sad. :cry:

Updates: Joined Blue Cheese Fanlisting
Day 4 without my TV: Watched ER and taped some new restaurant reality tv show thingy… Rocco something [edit] never got around watching it though[/edit]. No problemo.

@ 23:54
Decided to try a step bigger font for all things me; it means that the pages are longer but at least you can see better :)

Started playing Morrowind (Elder Scrolls III) today. I haven’t played much RPG (Final Fantasy 8 only I guess — on Play Station 1) cause I don’t really find it interesting, but I have to try. The game has been sitting in the shelf for ages. (hmm… as if I didn’t have enough games installed on my computer already…)

Happy Nameday to me!

(and all the Minnas out there, of course. And whoelse has a nameday today)

Updates: Huge update!! :D Changed the method for mailing forms entirely. Now it works the way I want it to and doesn’t mess up my frames. And I can have a thank-you page for each section and not a shared one.
Added “other sections” in the menu image there <— (hmm, what other scribbles I could add) [edit: June 25] old version of the site [/edit]

Now I have to read the paper for today’s proseminar presentation (bachelor’s thesis stuff)…

@ 17:26
<ha ha>
Day 3 without my TV: My heart overjoyed for a while when Dad remembered something he had in the car (reminded by “concrete”) and I watched as he went to get it, open the trunk and lift something heavy. I didn’t see what it was before he disappeared behind the hedge and when he walked to the front door my heart sank. It was his scanner slash printer slash photocopier – slash toy – from work.
</ha ha>

Updates: Bought myself a nameday present — Dark Half by Stephen King, so that means I updated TGWLSK‘s bookshelf and the list of books I own, at all things me

Worried I (hurried :D ) went to the department today to do a final assigment of the Semantic Web course. I sat down at the computer, opened programs (assignment instructions, GATE), loaded documents on GATE, created a corpus, ran ANNIE (a information extractor, tagger), saved a DAML+OIL exporter, created a corpus pipeline with the DAML+OIL exporter and fiddled with the settings to get it to work (to output files to the correct place, or at all, to tell you the truth). Checked that it output the files and went to see what next. Nothing. *jaw drops* That was it. :) The professor (the “it’s trying to rain” professor) had planned on a more challenging assigment with an ontology we had had to make ourselves but it turned out to be very difficult to do. So, with the term swooshing by, he had had to give us some assignment whether it be quite trivial.
I’m not complaining. I was worried it would take a LOT of my time and require continuing tomorrow or something. Instead, I was able to hunt down a book which I’ll use for the theory part of my translation study.

Been pondering: It feels strange to write to a person (professor usually; maybe I should think that I’m writing to more people than me and the course teacher, but let’s be realistic, besides, I don’t actually ever write TO anyone. I just write. Like now. No offence.) and quote their work in the paper. I can only wonder what it would feel like to write a paper and quote one’s OWN work in it by referring to oneself with full name… Schizophrenic?

Blogger in denial

Updates: Joined Piano fanlisting cause I like playing the piano and I enjoy classical (or actually any type) music played on a piano. I’d play it more often if I got some privacy every now and then cause I don’t like playing when other people are around.

Eeeeh! Starting work next Monday

Roughly 2 months ago I said, quote, I’m not a crazy blogger, unquote. Should I rephrase that?

Now I’m officially without a tv. Oh the tv stand/table looks so empty. My sister offered to sit on it so I wouldn’t feel so lonely ;P

@ 16:43
Day 1 without my TV: Off it went. No withdrawals yet ;) Had to tape Entrapment (although I think I’ve seen it before…) but Mum didn’t watch some garden shows so I was able to see Scrubs and Charmed. And I also watched The Agency (funny to see “Jackson Haisley” on two channels at the same time, the actor (for the life of me I can’t remember the name [edit] Will Patton is the actor [/edit]) was in Entrapment too, with more hair and funnier moustache! He played Hector Cruz) and Harsh Realm with no problems. :)
[I hope you won’t take all this too seriously…]

Updates: At Fanlistings, changed the images’ alt-attributes to title, so that Mozilla people (including myself) can see the topic of a fanlisting on mouse hover, too. (Mozilla, at least the V.1.6 I have, shows alt-text only when the image is not loaded.)
I also made a new button for all things me (they’re over there <—- [edit: June 25] now over there —->[/edit])

But now, coffee time!!!

Blog sticker mystery solved

Updates: Joined a Libraries fanlisting.
Hmm…. there was something else.. oh yeah (see next)

Been deciding: I think I’ll update the layout soon. Even though this is a nice one (in my entitled opinion), but why keep a layout in store. I might “revert” back to this one some day. Besides, I have to get rid of my blue “image”! (says she in blue pajamas)

For ages I’ve been wondering where these nice “blog stickers/buttons” came from. I’d seen them on many sites. Now I finally found a) the term, b) a sticker/button maker, c) a site with loads of links to stickers/links to their makers
I haven’t put any of them up, though. Maybe someday. I just needed to know what they were.

@ 18:05
Updates: New layout for all things me (!!!)
Let me know what you think of it.

I can’t seem to be able to keep a layout for more than 2 months :D Maybe I’ll have a “creative pause” after this. As much as I love making layouts, I don’t want to change the look of my sites ALL the time. Once again I wish I’d be a professional web designer. (And once again I point out that I’m not saying that I have the talent…)