Posts in the category "Site" and its subcategories.

Lotsa Daria

Updates: Joined Daria Morgendorffer (i.e. the character) Fanlisting and apparently there is a new listing for the *show* Daria, so I joined that too :)

Quick note: I saw Survivor Amazon’s finale today and all I can say is BOOOOOOOOO

@ 23:29
Shoot! My Stephen King site’s counter had been “destroyed” and I lost all the hits. I have no idea how many there were…

*gasp* Tomorrow I’m going to have to say bye-bye to my TV (and VCR, for they’re the same entity :) ) for a while. Dad and I are taking it to a TV hospital (has to be done sooner or later and no moment is better than the other, except that this is much better than if the XF was running…). I wonder if they rent out TVs to fill the void…
Anyway, I think I’ve told about the problem it started having a while (a MONTH) ago. Turning off every 10 seconds or so. And spitting the video cassette out as well (luckily I can record if the TVs turned off cause the VCR upstairs is crappy).

Been pondering: Should I publish a new layout for all things me so soon

Harsh Realm

Updates: wow, something new at XAMM :) Well, not a biggie, just that Gillian Anderson can be *heard* on Harsh Realm’s Pilot episode. HR is a “new” show by Chris Carter.

Talking about Harsh Realm, there’s a Prodigy song played quite often in it and I recognised it so I had to search my whole Prodigy collection :D all 3 CDs… for it. Luckily it kept playing on HR cause I kept forgetting how it went :D So, here it is: Climbatize from The Fat of the Land. Also, lots of familiar faces in HR. Terry O’Quinn (XF movie, Millennium series… I guess he’s been on XF episodes too… can’t remember), “Ned” from Party of Five, “Frank Black” i.e. Lance Henrikssen from Millennium, and the guy playing Waters, just can’t remember where I’ve seen him before — have to check the actor’s name (as well as “Ned’s”) sometime…
Been listening: Prodigy (“inspired” by Harsh Realm); didn’t remember it was THIS good. The bass in The Trick is amazing! Too bad it doesn’t sound good enough on the headphones, it breaks, or whatever. I can’t believe I used to dislike Firestarter… *bo-boom* :D
(going to get a headache soon I’m afraid… *turns the volume down obediently*)

Been wondering: Should I start “archiving” the oldest entries… i.e. making more pages for this thing right here…

@ 17:12
Surfing Internet Movie DataBase:
Harsh Realm
– “Ned from Party of Five” is Scott Bairstow, he’s also been in the X-Files (ep Miracle Man)
– “Waters” is Max Martini (gosh what a name), can’t understand where I could’ve seen him… maybe he has one of those faces that stick in your memory even though you’ve seen them only once
– Terry O’Quinn *has* been in the X-Files, in several roles, and also Alias (I should’ve remembered)
There are also other XF people: John Shiban (writer/producer), Frank Spotnitz (writer/producer), Kim Manners (director), Mark Snow (music)…….


Updates: New at all things me – my booklog (there’s a link to it over there <— too) [edit] now over —> there [/edit]

After writing to Domynoe that I’d like to join this clique where you have to read one book a month and keep a booklog but I don’t know if I can read 1 book / month, I suddenly decided to do the booklog part at least. Just for my own fun I guess. So, crazy me, I wrote down my entire booklog since 1998… And it seems that nowadays I do read about one book a month. :)


Wow, I received a “Site of the Moment” certificate from Domynoe after joining her fanlisting for Bookmarks..

Went shopping today with Dad. It’s funny, he always wants me to go shopping with him whether it’s clothes for him, tools or garden stuff. It’s very nice though. :)
Today we went to buy a fountain pump for our little pond in the back yard and some vent/fan thing for I don’t know what… maybe the sauna.

XIII withdrawals

Updates: To celebrate (see prev.), I decided to join the Dogs & Puppies fanlisting :)

My sister keeps chatting online so I can’t play XIII because my computer is the one connected to the Internet. I’m not sure if my computer can handle both the internet and the game. I dare not try. *sob* AND, I’m getting tired! Dammit!

@ 22:45
I finally got to play XIII. It’s great, especially because XIII is the character you play with and Duchovny’s done that voice. :P I thought XIII would be the bad guy #1 who you’d have to fight with in the end :) Better this way – much better

And no, he’s not the only reason I want to play that game. :P

Happy Birthday Katrina!

Updates: I finished reading the Talisman today, next I’m starting “Talisman II” i.e. the Black House.

I’m always shocked (not in a bad way) to see a professor use smileys… In an email I received there was a <=O]

Today I stayed at the department because I was supposed to go see a prof about my training/job but we (the studies coordinator and I) didn’t get to see him. Oh well, good thing I stayed doing assignments though, cause I finally got my natural language generation pipeline working properly (well, I haven’t made the pipeline which is Java, but the XSL transformations). I had done something very odd in the beginning when I was just learning the stuff and it messed up the whole system. Now there’s only a few “polishings” to do and I can send all the assignments/files to the professor (for whom I’m doing the course, it’s sort of “extra curriculum” but has to do with my bachelor’s thesis). I do, however, have an essay to write by May 1st, but that I’ll do on Friday. Today I have to check what I’ve done wrong in an assignment cause it was so easy :D (probably haven’t done anything wrong, mind you)

@ 23:27
Updates: Joined the Talisman Fanlisting

I have an exam tomorrow about “changing English”, we were told to bring our notes and papers with us. I’ll just read through the papers quickly tonight and I’m set. Better catch some shuteye, too…

Whee, can’t wait for tomorrow morning and the bus ride. I’m going to start reading Black House (that’s my “backpack book”). Geek? Me?

Oh the grammar!

I have *never ever ever* read so grammatically incorrect text before (and there’s no good excuse, I mean that it’s not e.g. written by a 6-year-old or something like that). Pheew. Now, I won’t name any names… But I just had to get that out of my system :D
*continues reading*
Maybe it was written in the middle of the night, tired. There’s gotta be something…

Oh, by the way, I’m doing *another* layout for all things me. Shame on me :) I wish I was a web designer (not that I have any competence)

Even more fanlistings…

Updates: Joined a couple of fanlistings again :laugh: I know, addicted — Transparent scrollbars, (a bit of a mistake but I like the site anyhow… great link centre and I’m thinking of applying for a fanlisting but I’m not sure if I have what it takes :D )

I think I’ve got rid of the fever. Yay \o/

As if I hadn’t joined enough fanlistings already

Updates: It was actually yesterday (not April 2) when I published my new SK site — oh well :) Joined two fanlistings: On Writing and Eyes of the Dragon, both books by Stephen King

@ 18:39
Been doing: Made a very cool (if I may say :) ) layout for my sister’s live-roleplaying game. It’s a temporary page until she (pulls herself together and…) gets around deciding what kind of a site she wants for herself (the game site is only a subpage, or it will be). Apparently, she doesn’t want the old site moved to a new address, but she wants to make changes and decide which drawings are going to be there.

I did pull *myself* together and installed Apache Ant and even looked through some .xml files for my bachelor’s thesis. I still have a pile of assignments due April 8th — most terrifying of all, the adventure game.

New layout for TGWLSK

Updates: New layout at The Girl Who Loved Stephen King; and of course, new text under “Current layouts” for TGWLSK at all things me (Domain/Site).

Matrix Revolutions came out today on DVD. I didn’t see it at the cinema (bad girl! bad girl!) and I probably would’ve bought it today if I’d had any lectures but I didn’t, so I spent the day at home with the Stephen King site. Maybe on Monday…