Posts in the category "Site" and its subcategories.

Upgrade in progress

Ick ick ick. I don’t like the default theme, but I have to go to the sauna now and I’ll continue upgrade after that. I have my theme ready and everything. :)

Anyway, finally the server works and I was able to upgrade and SEE that it works. *dances around*

OK, now. Theme’s up but that’s all. I’ll be adding some plugins and things as soon as 24 ends :) annoyance

I don’t understand people who write their URL in the WP forum profile without the http:// so when the link is created around the person’s name, their site URL gets attached to the forum address making urls like “”.

Trying out new spam prevention

I’m trying out a new way to prevent/cut down spam. When you post a comment you’re required to enter a code. Sorry for the inconvenience but comment spam, especially the one that is getting through despite my spam words list etc., is driving me up a wall.

When the blogger is away…

… the spammers dance on the table

I don’t know if this was just bad luck, or the spammer at read my site enough to see I was away. Oddly, Spam Karma claims the IP is already in the database but still the comment slipped through. And oddly, they hadn’t even increased the SK’s comments approved number. Oh well.

I was at my grandparents. Went there yesterday straight from work and stayed the night. I went to bed insanely early, I started reading at around 21:00 and stopped at 22:15 and started sleeping. What’s wrong with me? I did get up at 1:00 peppy as a poodle and then woke up every once in a while until I got enough of it and got up at 8:40.

My grandma and I went to some museums, for example the birth home of Jean Sibelius where there was a very eager and friendly guide. We were there before opening and also we were the only ones so he told some stories and things while we walked through the vast space of 4 rooms :) We got to request music at the beginning of our tour as “there is always music playing here”. After that we went to the art museum to see some Vietnamese art. I had a gift certificate to spend from Xmas and I found a pair of trousers. I also bought Dan Brown’s Digital Fortress even though I don’t know what it’s like. At least I’ll have some paperback to read that I haven’t read before. Besides, it’s computer stuff, it has to be good.

I spilled the beans about my secret to grandma but she promised she won’t tell anyone. As I’ve said, I’m very bad at keeping my own secrets.

Sick of Kubrick

I’m sick of Kubrick. Not the director fellow (although his interpretation on King’s Shining is a bit so-so) but the WordPress theme or its derivatives. I see it everywhere (no offense Eric. But, your site is nice despite the Kubrick :) ) and people praise it to high heaven although I see nothing special about it. Don’t get me wrong, it is clean and organized — and ok that way. I guess it’s a good starting point. Surely, it’s more beautiful than the classic WP default theme, but I don’t buy Eastpacks or those nice elfish shoes even though I’d like them (well, actually, Eastpacks are pretty dull sacks and elves are not my thing) because everyone else already has them.

Maybe I just really don’t see what other people see in Kubrick. Maybe I’m design-blind. Maybe there’s some neato CSS or PHP trick that tickles everyone’s inner designer-slash-coder except mine. What’s wrong with my inner coder?

But now, oh yes, the default template on WordPress is based on Kubrick! Kubrick-ish things (images) are removed and replaced by a blue masthead. But still, it reeks of Kubrick. Nice if people take the time to personalize it, but if I made a fresh start on WP, I’d stick to the classic theme. It’s flexible width above all. I have 1024×768 resolution and I want to make most of it, not just some percentage.

Now, don’t tell me I’ve made several fixed with layouts. I know I have and I know I probably will, too. That’s not the point.


Just to let you know, I’ve made a site for our doggie Amadeus. Pretty photos and a layout I’m quite proud of :) I added the link to the site on the menu (under Other sections) but it probably goes unnoticed. Thus the sitevertisement. Let me know what you think.

To upgrade or not to upgrade

I’ve been making my own template of this site. Sorry, I happen to like this design for some reason, ain’t getting rid of it just yet. Besides, with the new theme system on WordPress I intend to mess with the core code as little as possible and making my site easy to change style to. I’m now pondering whether I should upgrade to some 1.5 version or not… I hate to miss the tons of tweaking I’ve done to the code but then again, without the tweaking it’ll be easier to upgrade in the future and some of the things I’ve done have legitimate ways of doing them.

Also — you should be proud of me — I’m determined to make my new layout completely CSS (maybe as a result of the secret I’ve been talking about — ah-ha! A hint!). And I’ve actually managed to do that! Yes, all those rounded corners and fluid width layout. All implemented.

I gave up on a table-free layout the last time because I was in a hurry to get the site looking like something. I have a history of table layouts and I’m comfortable with them. Besides, let’s admit it, sometimes tables just do what they’re supposed to do, nicely and across browers. They work for poor IE, too.

Anyway, before wandering off to a completely different topic — ah, look at those pretty lights — I’m going to continue pondering the upgrade and tinkering the theme.

Hooked on helping

I’m thumb over pinkie addicted to the WordPress support forums. I’m determined NOT to start a thread, but am eagerly answering some of them, and actually — yes, you gotta believe me — I’ve managed to help people. :) Ahhh… good buzz.

Makes me feel useful for once.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

So this is Christmas. We get to celebrate it a day early as we celebrate 24th not the morning 25th. Njah njah njah :mrgreen: Everyone have a merry Christmas!!

I installed Spam Karma so let me know if there’s a problem. I’ll test it out on this post, too. [edit] or not… all my evil comments are getting through — oh well, I just gotta wait and see [/edit]
[edit: Dec 29] Oooh, it works beautifully. [/edit]


I installed MtDewVirus’s Comments posted elsewhere plugin but I can’t seem to get it working. I’m not sure if the problem is in my blog and trackbacks (there have been problems but I tested trackbacks when I changed servers and it worked). Anyway, testing trackbacks here.

OK, trackbacks work. But I haven’t figured out why the stand-alone trackback tool doesn’t seem to be getting a trackback through.