Posts in the category "Updates".

Single power

Yesterday I heard that a friend of mine from high school is having a baby in November (awwwww). Another friend of mine has been together with her boyfriend for over six years (they’re really cute). Another is living with her boyfriend. I could go on and on. All are the same age as myself (younger, to be exact, but same year). I’m trying to smile through it all, but sometimes it gets really really difficult. (Not too often, though.)
(Luckily there are “single power” (cf. girl power) programs like S&C. :smile: )

Yesterday I bought Dolores Claiborne (the book by Stephen King) and saw Shrek II (original version of course! Kiddies’ version is dubbed). It was a wonderful movie and it had lots of allusions to other movies etc. (as movies of that genre tend to do). I won’t list them here openly (someone *could* blame me for spoiling the film), but read the rest of this post if you want. Of course I don’t remember many of them, but maybe I’ll find some reminders some place else.

Updates: University stuff converted to new static page form.
Note to self Posts showing changed from “7 posts” to “7 days” (because of the static pages there are only a few actual posts on the index page)
Continues »

Listen all you *bleep*

Finally I found out what the amazing intro song of Splinter Cell is: Name of the Game by Crystal Method. The title of this post is partly from it, excluded the bad language (m*****f***er, fill in the blanks if you want to).

Some updates. A friend of mine, Fritz, told me he had problems with the fancy JavaScript pop-up window thingamabob on LGM (my alien collection). So, I added normal links, too. The pictures will open in the frame and if you have a smart browser like Mozilla or Mozilla Firefox they’ll also resize if the pictures are too big.

Alas, I read in an article my Grandma sent me that Stephen King is retiring. I can’t see nothing on this on the official site, nothing apparent at least.

Shop till I drop

Today I bought two new Kings: Salem’s Lot and Needful Things. (That means updates at TGWLSK.) I was supposed to buy hard-back Song of Susannah too but I got scroogy cause I’d bought soooooo much already (nothing interesting though).

Tomorrow I’m off to my grandparents’. I’m travelling by train, Pendolino, a super quick one if only it’d work this time. Last summer the mechanism that allows the train go fast was broken so it had to travel at normal speed. When the new trains first started running, a door was sucked off by the speed. Nice going. And tomorrow’s Friday 13th… Good thing I’m not superstitious. Let’s hope the person controlling the train isn’t either.

I’ll be gone for about a week, I’d imagine.

I haven’t started packing yet, and I have to wrap some books in book plastic (I don’t read paperback books (or in my case “backpack books” ) without the plastic) before I get too tired to do that.

@ 22:45
Joined Words fanlisting

Book on the loose

Ooooh, I found my very first Bookcrossing book here at the department. I didn’t take it though. At least not yet. It’s in Swedish, and one I’ve read (not in Swedish though). But the greatest (?) thing is, it’s Stephen King!!! Svarta Tornet: Följeslagarna — what a coincidence. :smile:

I am afraid that some over-zealous cleaning lady or our janitor (or anyone who hasn’t stumbled across this Bookcrossing “phenomenon”) will take it and throw it in the garbage bin…

I removed the slow random FL image script from the (right) menu and replaced it with a random text link (two in fact). Maybe it wasn’t too slow, but on my 56 k modem at home (56 k in theory — 42-46 k in practice) it was annoying. I think if I would’ve got an answer from Scripthost concerning the ability to set image sizes (which they “advertised” but didn’t give instructions to), it wouldn’t have disturbed the page load so much.

Drip drip drip

1) I made a pretty cool underlining for TGWLSK. You can see it for example at the Love (works) page and Notebook.
2) testing out blog times image
[edit] Bah, it won’t change the background colour. Oh well, have to look into that some other time, now it’s ugly bright white but I ain’t changing the site’s bg colour. [edit] I’m such a noob. I had a space after the comma in the colour value… Now it works [/edit] And until I can figure out how to either put it only on main page or remove it from archive (I know the variable for category and single, but not archives), you’re going to have to goggle at it in surprising places [/edit]
3) finished reading Black House (100th book in my booklog); gave it **** and because it’s better than Carrie which in turn is better than Bag of Bones I had to put a minus after Carrie’s four stars… This is getting complicated. :???:

Other “100 things” today: This is the 100th entry. And also, I’m writing a “100 things about me” list. I think I’m at 81 or something (I’m counting *down* from 100)

Happy Nameday to me!

(and all the Minnas out there, of course. And whoelse has a nameday today)

Updates: Huge update!! :D Changed the method for mailing forms entirely. Now it works the way I want it to and doesn’t mess up my frames. And I can have a thank-you page for each section and not a shared one.
Added “other sections” in the menu image there <— (hmm, what other scribbles I could add) [edit: June 25] old version of the site [/edit]

Now I have to read the paper for today’s proseminar presentation (bachelor’s thesis stuff)…

@ 17:26
<ha ha>
Day 3 without my TV: My heart overjoyed for a while when Dad remembered something he had in the car (reminded by “concrete”) and I watched as he went to get it, open the trunk and lift something heavy. I didn’t see what it was before he disappeared behind the hedge and when he walked to the front door my heart sank. It was his scanner slash printer slash photocopier – slash toy – from work.
</ha ha>

Updates: Bought myself a nameday present — Dark Half by Stephen King, so that means I updated TGWLSK‘s bookshelf and the list of books I own, at all things me

Worried I (hurried :D ) went to the department today to do a final assigment of the Semantic Web course. I sat down at the computer, opened programs (assignment instructions, GATE), loaded documents on GATE, created a corpus, ran ANNIE (a information extractor, tagger), saved a DAML+OIL exporter, created a corpus pipeline with the DAML+OIL exporter and fiddled with the settings to get it to work (to output files to the correct place, or at all, to tell you the truth). Checked that it output the files and went to see what next. Nothing. *jaw drops* That was it. :) The professor (the “it’s trying to rain” professor) had planned on a more challenging assigment with an ontology we had had to make ourselves but it turned out to be very difficult to do. So, with the term swooshing by, he had had to give us some assignment whether it be quite trivial.
I’m not complaining. I was worried it would take a LOT of my time and require continuing tomorrow or something. Instead, I was able to hunt down a book which I’ll use for the theory part of my translation study.

Been pondering: It feels strange to write to a person (professor usually; maybe I should think that I’m writing to more people than me and the course teacher, but let’s be realistic, besides, I don’t actually ever write TO anyone. I just write. Like now. No offence.) and quote their work in the paper. I can only wonder what it would feel like to write a paper and quote one’s OWN work in it by referring to oneself with full name… Schizophrenic?

Harsh Realm

Updates: wow, something new at XAMM :) Well, not a biggie, just that Gillian Anderson can be *heard* on Harsh Realm’s Pilot episode. HR is a “new” show by Chris Carter.

Talking about Harsh Realm, there’s a Prodigy song played quite often in it and I recognised it so I had to search my whole Prodigy collection :D all 3 CDs… for it. Luckily it kept playing on HR cause I kept forgetting how it went :D So, here it is: Climbatize from The Fat of the Land. Also, lots of familiar faces in HR. Terry O’Quinn (XF movie, Millennium series… I guess he’s been on XF episodes too… can’t remember), “Ned” from Party of Five, “Frank Black” i.e. Lance Henrikssen from Millennium, and the guy playing Waters, just can’t remember where I’ve seen him before — have to check the actor’s name (as well as “Ned’s”) sometime…
Been listening: Prodigy (“inspired” by Harsh Realm); didn’t remember it was THIS good. The bass in The Trick is amazing! Too bad it doesn’t sound good enough on the headphones, it breaks, or whatever. I can’t believe I used to dislike Firestarter… *bo-boom* :D
(going to get a headache soon I’m afraid… *turns the volume down obediently*)

Been wondering: Should I start “archiving” the oldest entries… i.e. making more pages for this thing right here…

@ 17:12
Surfing Internet Movie DataBase:
Harsh Realm
– “Ned from Party of Five” is Scott Bairstow, he’s also been in the X-Files (ep Miracle Man)
– “Waters” is Max Martini (gosh what a name), can’t understand where I could’ve seen him… maybe he has one of those faces that stick in your memory even though you’ve seen them only once
– Terry O’Quinn *has* been in the X-Files, in several roles, and also Alias (I should’ve remembered)
There are also other XF people: John Shiban (writer/producer), Frank Spotnitz (writer/producer), Kim Manners (director), Mark Snow (music)…….

Even more fanlistings…

Updates: Joined a couple of fanlistings again :laugh: I know, addicted — Transparent scrollbars, (a bit of a mistake but I like the site anyhow… great link centre and I’m thinking of applying for a fanlisting but I’m not sure if I have what it takes :D )

I think I’ve got rid of the fever. Yay \o/

New layout for TGWLSK

Updates: New layout at The Girl Who Loved Stephen King; and of course, new text under “Current layouts” for TGWLSK at all things me (Domain/Site).

Matrix Revolutions came out today on DVD. I didn’t see it at the cinema (bad girl! bad girl!) and I probably would’ve bought it today if I’d had any lectures but I didn’t, so I spent the day at home with the Stephen King site. Maybe on Monday…

Happy Birthday Hugo!

Updates: Joined a web design fanlisting; new book titles in different languages at TGWLSK; a new quiz winner and a new quiz award for me at XAMM; and obviously this thingy right here at all things me.

I was reading about different web logs and about Perl and mySQL and whatnot — and thought “naaaah”. I’m not a crazy blogger (not a reference to that one particular service) and there’s not even much to write about, but I wanted to do something new again. This’ll be my “updates and what not” page cause sometimes the updates don’t fit in the window with the “fancy” code form they’re in now, and at least with this sort if thing I can have a scrollbar and I don’t have to be embarrassed about it! :)

All the date+times have a link to the Haloscan commenting [pop-up], but I know no one will ever write to them anyway so I’ll combine them under the same “blog” title…

Hmm, let’s see… Thursdays are odd days. No matter how much I sleep (last night luxurious 7-8 hours…) I always get really tired during the 13-16 lecture (NOT because of the teacher). Today I had context free parsing methods and the DCG grammars with annoying Prolog difference lists didn’t make any sense [don’t laugh you geek… :P ]… In the morning (10-12) I had Changing English and the topic was dialects, especially Scottish. Made me realize that maybe it’s not Scottish accent I like so much, it could be Irish. I’ll know that next week (topic: Irish dialect). Before context free parsing methods I sat at the department and finished my ruminations on chart parsing (an assignment of the same course).

Whoops, I blabbered.

[edit: June 27] Ultimately I did cave in and chose Greymatter and there are no Haloscan comments anymore cause GM has its own commenting system [/edit]
[edit: July 12] Well, GM actually used perl which I had sworn to keep away from (then again, I like perl) but now I’ve even given in to MySQL!! What next?! Pink socks?! [/edit]