Mmm… tasty!
Today I’ve been doing the layout for a portfolio I’m doing. It’s for a computer studies’ course “Digital Media Technology” (emphasis on webpage techniques). I know that making a layout will take me a lot of time because I always tweak and tweak to no end. Changing colours, fonts, widths, placings. Next I’m going to start worrying about the technique part; I have access to a database and I’m using PHP to do all kinds of cool things Here’s a little tasting of the layout I’m whipping up:
Oooh, pretty! What do you think? Oh yeah, I’m making a blog There were several topics available, but I felt most passionate about a blog. Go figure.
It’s going to be really interesting to get to dig into the stuff that makes things work. I know WP, I can use it, do a little tweaking, but the database part is complete blur. Today I learnt how to set up a database connection and do statements. Unfortunately the db at the dept. of computer studies is using Oracle — I’m more familiar with MySQL — but luckily I was just on a introduction to databases course where we learnt the Oracle syntax. And luckily, they aren’t disturbingly different.
*go backs to staring at the layout in awe*
Sometimes I amaze myself. Sometimes.