Posts in the category "University".

Sleep is futile

Sometimes I’d need a “couple” more hours in a day. Or at least in *my* day. I’ve been translating computery stuff to Swedish, looking for a Swedish morphology (-logical) generator (I’ll probably leave it be), AND last but not least, trying to figure out something intelligent to say today when I’m meeting my professor conserning the bachelor’s thesis. :D But I can’t see straight, ergo I can’t think straight. Ergo I probably should go to bed. Blah, such a waste of time. :D

Been listening: can you guess…. the lovely song from Chocolat!! (cf. previous *blows kisses to Grasshopper* :P ) “Vianne sets up shop” this is called. Maybe I should borrow the CD from a library.

*YAWN*   *dislocated jaw*   *AAAAAAGH*
:laugh: Ergo nightnight

@ 18:21
Updates: I passed Chaser. Good game… a bit pointless last level. What next? I have NO idea cause I don’t think XIII is arriving any time soon (we’ll get it from a game club at the end of this month)
Been buying: Matrix Revolutions DVD :)

As if I hadn’t joined enough fanlistings already

Updates: It was actually yesterday (not April 2) when I published my new SK site — oh well :) Joined two fanlistings: On Writing and Eyes of the Dragon, both books by Stephen King

@ 18:39
Been doing: Made a very cool (if I may say :) ) layout for my sister’s live-roleplaying game. It’s a temporary page until she (pulls herself together and…) gets around deciding what kind of a site she wants for herself (the game site is only a subpage, or it will be). Apparently, she doesn’t want the old site moved to a new address, but she wants to make changes and decide which drawings are going to be there.

I did pull *myself* together and installed Apache Ant and even looked through some .xml files for my bachelor’s thesis. I still have a pile of assignments due April 8th — most terrifying of all, the adventure game.

Happy Birthday Hugo!

Updates: Joined a web design fanlisting; new book titles in different languages at TGWLSK; a new quiz winner and a new quiz award for me at XAMM; and obviously this thingy right here at all things me.

I was reading about different web logs and about Perl and mySQL and whatnot — and thought “naaaah”. I’m not a crazy blogger (not a reference to that one particular service) and there’s not even much to write about, but I wanted to do something new again. This’ll be my “updates and what not” page cause sometimes the updates don’t fit in the window with the “fancy” code form they’re in now, and at least with this sort if thing I can have a scrollbar and I don’t have to be embarrassed about it! :)

All the date+times have a link to the Haloscan commenting [pop-up], but I know no one will ever write to them anyway so I’ll combine them under the same “blog” title…

Hmm, let’s see… Thursdays are odd days. No matter how much I sleep (last night luxurious 7-8 hours…) I always get really tired during the 13-16 lecture (NOT because of the teacher). Today I had context free parsing methods and the DCG grammars with annoying Prolog difference lists didn’t make any sense [don’t laugh you geek… :P ]… In the morning (10-12) I had Changing English and the topic was dialects, especially Scottish. Made me realize that maybe it’s not Scottish accent I like so much, it could be Irish. I’ll know that next week (topic: Irish dialect). Before context free parsing methods I sat at the department and finished my ruminations on chart parsing (an assignment of the same course).

Whoops, I blabbered.

[edit: June 27] Ultimately I did cave in and chose Greymatter and there are no Haloscan comments anymore cause GM has its own commenting system [/edit]
[edit: July 12] Well, GM actually used perl which I had sworn to keep away from (then again, I like perl) but now I’ve even given in to MySQL!! What next?! Pink socks?! [/edit]