Sleep is futile
Sometimes I’d need a “couple” more hours in a day. Or at least in *my* day. I’ve been translating computery stuff to Swedish, looking for a Swedish morphology (-logical) generator (I’ll probably leave it be), AND last but not least, trying to figure out something intelligent to say today when I’m meeting my professor conserning the bachelor’s thesis. But I can’t see straight, ergo I can’t think straight. Ergo I probably should go to bed. Blah, such a waste of time.
Been listening: can you guess…. the lovely song from Chocolat!! (cf. previous *blows kisses to Grasshopper* ) “Vianne sets up shop” this is called. Maybe I should borrow the CD from a library.
*YAWN* *dislocated jaw* *AAAAAAGH*
Ergo nightnight
@ 18:21
Updates: I passed Chaser. Good game… a bit pointless last level. What next? I have NO idea cause I don’t think XIII is arriving any time soon (we’ll get it from a game club at the end of this month)
Been buying: Matrix Revolutions DVD