Blabbety blab
Someone let loose a loud blabber in here. She talks so fast I don’t understand how the people she’s talking to understand a longlistofconnectedwords she says. And she shrieks, too! Luckily my day’s done soon…
Someone let loose a loud blabber in here. She talks so fast I don’t understand how the people she’s talking to understand a longlistofconnectedwords she says. And she shrieks, too! Luckily my day’s done soon…
I just got a response to my CV this morning, and as the job isn’t current (it will be current in early autumn) they said my CV would be filed under “Very Considerable”.
Hmm… I hope they don’t say that to everyone…
I’m very optimistic though. They were impressed by my studies.
I just sent off my CV (resumé, thanks to Chriske for reminding me of that word — I thought I was only forgetting Finnish) to the Dream Job. My puny CV…
They wanted to know about my interests too, but I didn’t mention I like to read horror (I put “reading”); I didn’t mention my fascination of first person shooters and gory games, but I did mention games and homepages (no URL, though, gosh) under “computer” hobby, so I hope they’ll just think my motor skills are excellent. At least it’ll make me stand out of the skirt people (sorry Jafer, you’re the only female FPS player I know besides myself); don’t know if that’s good or bad though. I don’t know if I should’ve mentioned my fast-as-a-lightning touch typing… I didn’t, that is. But I also don’t have any proof of that, just urban legends…… I probably underestimated my language skills, but I think I’m crap at everything but Finnish and English, so I wrote that (not *crap* per se). Then again, I shouldn’t have. But then again, there it would be soon evident that I lied if I had exaggerated.
Luckily, I guess, the job thing was postponed to early autumn, so I can work in the project without worrying I’d have to turn down the one or the other. So, now I’m just waiting for the verdict — Bonkers.
What a weird day — I was offered a job. I won’t be sharing any details about it yet until I know what the deal is but it would almost be my dream job.
I got it through a teacher(-ish) at the Uni. They (singular) were impressed by my work in a couple of classes.
Crazy stuff. I’m grinning from ear to ear (like this ) and can’t wait for tomorrow to call about it. I’m dead scared of phones (or of the sort of conversations…) but I’m going to call. Of course I am. Yes, I am. Yeah.
Alas, this probably means I need to quit the research job. It would be a shame because the people are really nice and it’s interesting and I was secretly hoping I could get my master’s thesis topic off of the project…
But I wouldn’t be the only one that’s left for a “real” job (I don’t mean that the research is less real than something else — but it can only go on for so long). I sometimes feel like I’ve given what I’ve got to the project and am twiddling thumbs (well, except now that I have this bloody tricky XSLT-script to write). But I can’t keep three jobs (be they only part-time and occassional), now can I? I still have studying to do as well!
But I really really do want this new job. OK OK, I don’t know if it’s going to be anything or am I just getting excited for no reason, but I sure do hope it will work out.
This is actually pretty scary, or odd at least. When I was younger (well, before I got sucked into this Uni project and realised that I may be able to be of use) I thought I probably wouldn’t amount to anything. I’ve been studying this vague subject that doesn’t give you a clear cut pigeon-hole occupational title like a doctor, or a lawyer or a kindergarten teacher (not that I’ve ever wanted to work in a pigeon-hole).
Honestly, what did I do?! (Well, I am a robot after all )
[update May 19 @12:35] Darn, it would be a full-time job. I don’t know if I can handle that. I have to negotiate. [/update]
[update May 19 @ 15:25] Negotiations on-going This is very exciting! When they find out I don’t study languages, though… ooops.