10 things I’ve done that you maybe have not
Via: Jafer (there under a slightly different name; my life’s so boring I don’t want to sound confident that no one has done any of these )
- Played a $100 000 grand piano in a church
- Asked the teacher for permission to be excused from a Spanish lesson to go to McDonald’s for a friend’s birthday
- Studied Farsi/Persian (and Finnish…!
- Had an article published in a magazine (soon, and soon two)
- Ordered 20 000 Swiss francs’ worth of gold and silver wire from Switzerland (or something like that, but it was a lot of money)
- Sang at the opening of a health centre
- Had a nose piercing
- Liked cod-liver oil more than pancakes as a kid (that stuff is for Finns what Vegemite is for Aussies)
- Was voted weirdest girl in senior high
- Sat writing and troubleshooting MySQL queries and PHP for a web portfolio at 1:45 am
(ok, so I ran out of ideas…)
Here’s some extra cause people have done some of those:
- Had an electric shock while swimming in the lake during a thunder storm
Ok, so I’ve only done #4. That cod liver oil used to almost make me puke when I was a kid and they used to force us to have a spoon of it every week (for health reasons).
Ah, so cod liver oil isn’t just Finnish madness. Good to know, I guess. Nowadays they have cod-liver oil pills that I’m sure don’t taste as bad. If someone offered me a spoonful of that oil now, I bet I’d decline politely. That “no pancakes, I want cod-liver oil” is some anecdote I’ve found in my babybook.
Yea, I think i’ve done 10.
oh and also 9.
“was voted weirdest girl in senior high”
Really, Tom?