Spirit of Stephen King
Like my sister said, The spirit of Stephen King guided me. Yup, it probably did Last night I was channel surfing and started looking at the start credits of a movie on the Estonian Channel 2. Lo and behold, it says “Based on the book by Stephen King” and I gasp. When I watch a little more I realize it’s The Stand!! (I guessed it from the first scene) I don’t know if this was the first episode (Larry and Nadine met for the first time and Flagg let Lloyd out of jail and Trash blew up some Cheery Oil tanks). But I sure hope it was the 1st. I’m not taping it because the picture is very bad but at least I get to see it! And mayhap
(sorry, King uses that a lot…) the mystery of M-O-O-N in my head will be solved.
Ps. Did you know that ‘lo’ means ‘see’.
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