I should be doing my bachelor’s thesis… but naaaaaaah. I’ve been doing the more interesting translation research. I’m a bad bad girl! :) Too bad the translation thing I’m doing can’t be a major… :(
And when I’m done with this, I’m going to play some XIII :D

@ 23:49
I just got a mail from my aunt. I had written her to tell that I’m working most of this summer so I can’t be there to look after the kids; one of them is my godson (5 yrs old) so I usually go there to help when the “official” baby-sitter (or daycare at a family close by) is having her own vacation and my aunt and her husband are not on their holiday. Anyway, my aunt wrote me that she had told my godson that I’d be coming over this summer and he’s waiting for me, so she asked if I could come in August for a “normal visit”. :) Awww… my heart melts. My godson wants me to visit him. :)

Been cursing: my TV