MegaOxymoron of the Day: Minna giving a presentation without a panic
Minna + presentation + no panic = oxymoron Strange things do happen. It actually went pretty well. Meaning that my face wasn’t red (I think), my heart didn’t pound in my ears and out of my chest, the words didn’t come out all mushy. And I actually was funny too! On purpose! I noticed the ambiguousness of something I was about to say before I said it so I was able to make it clear that I was aware it was ambiguous. Ambiguous in the bad way I mean — “dirty”.
And the prof said my presentation (slide show) was “unique”. In the good way. I had taken time to prepare it and had nice (but not too flashy and disturbing) animations. And nice colours: black and purple
I didn’t wear my purple sweater/cardigan because otherwise people couldn’t have told me and the slides apart… besides, purple doesn’t go with army boots anyway (See Thought of the Day).
Anyway, now it’s done. The opponent (a person how makes questions and comments about my work and pinpoints places that need changing) gave me good tips on how to improve my thesis. So, technically I still have that paper to write. Shouldn’t be that much of a problem. Only thing is it has to be done by the end of this month — as if I didn’t have enough big things to write
Thought of the Day: Don’t judge a girl by her shoes.
Not that anyone has judged me (or how could I know… maybe some old lady crossed the street when I was coming towards her and I just didn’t notice
Although, it’s my *sister* who does that to people…), but I was just thinking that today when I was walking from the department to the bus station wearing my army boots. Yeah, the ones skinheads use. Don’t worry, I still have my hair intact. And my wonderful personality too.
Brain-itch of the Day: (I’ve been told that brain-itch is something that keeps going around and around in your head, e.g. a song; let me know if it isn’t ) Ukraine’s Eurovision Song Contest song: Wild Dance
Shi-riki-dai shi-riki-dam-dey
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