Updates: Joined Piano fanlisting cause I like playing the piano and I enjoy classical (or actually any type) music played on a piano. I’d play it more often if I got some privacy every now and then cause I don’t like playing when other people are around.

Eeeeh! Starting work next Monday

Roughly 2 months ago I said, quote, I’m not a crazy blogger, unquote. Should I rephrase that?

Now I’m officially without a tv. Oh the tv stand/table looks so empty. My sister offered to sit on it so I wouldn’t feel so lonely ;P

@ 16:43
Day 1 without my TV: Off it went. No withdrawals yet ;) Had to tape Entrapment (although I think I’ve seen it before…) but Mum didn’t watch some garden shows so I was able to see Scrubs and Charmed. And I also watched The Agency (funny to see “Jackson Haisley” on two channels at the same time, the actor (for the life of me I can’t remember the name [edit] Will Patton is the actor [/edit]) was in Entrapment too, with more hair and funnier moustache! He played Hector Cruz) and Harsh Realm with no problems. :)
[I hope you won’t take all this too seriously…]

Updates: At Fanlistings, changed the images’ alt-attributes to title, so that Mozilla people (including myself) can see the topic of a fanlisting on mouse hover, too. (Mozilla, at least the V.1.6 I have, shows alt-text only when the image is not loaded.)
I also made a new button for all things me (they’re over there <—- [edit: June 25] now over there —->[/edit])

But now, coffee time!!!