Ooh, tights
I went to see Spiderman 2 today (hence the title). Tobey Maguire looks a bit silly when he wrinkles his face in strain, but what can I say, all that Spiderman acrobatics appeals to me
I found this —> picture, but it’s a bit dark and the spiderman suit is all torn but it’s the closest I could find (crouched and one leg straight on the side — like Trinity in Matrix Reloaded when she jumps off the motorcycle and lands very coolly
). If anyone finds a better one, I’d be mooooore than happy to drool over it. Anyway, I go swoon now.
I “installed” a category image plugin for WordPress. You see those tiny images below a post’s title? That’s them. If you mouse-over the images you get an explanation on what they mean, but I’ll list them here:
Miscellany — very “clever” picture of two unknown variables
Books — a stack of books
Computer — string of zeros and ones, the binary
Dreams — a thought bubble, by dreams I mean the nightly kind, by the way
Games — a Pacman
University — a Greek-style column
Site — a home as in homepage, I know stupid, what else would describe a homepage though?
Fanlistings — a heart, I couldn’t think of anything else to depict fandom
Tweaks — tools are for tweaking
Updates — an idea light bulb
Language — a person speaking, although language means written too
Quote of the Day — quotemarks, hopefully not too close to the Finnish (or capital city area) library logo, no copyright infringement intended!
Word of the Day — ok, this might not be so clear, but there’s a page of a calendar and a W on it
(Odd) people — a bunch of people and a questionmark
I Don’t Understand — questionmarks
[edit: New categories]
— OT but not in the meaning of Off topic as usual. Posts that, as the name says, stay on one topic.
— WordPress
— Amadeus, our dog
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