Adjective rules
I’m writing a unification-based parser grammar and am faced with a problem with adjectives. Professor proposed a model where adjectives of a same “type” (size, colour, etc etc) should be restricted in a way that they can’t modify the same word. Is this a good rule? Seems so, it would be a bit silly to talk about “rough smooth surface” (or “smooth rough”) but is it absolutely wrong? What about the game title “Little Big Adventure”? On the other hand, that’s creative writing and the parser will be working in a relatively restricted domain (not meaning ‘restricted by relations’, well… in a way). Also, the parser is supposed to be “permissive” and last summer I had to throw my perfectionism in the trash bin and allow plural subjects and predicates to mix freely
Well, the *biggest* problem is probably how I am going to restrict the adjectives if it comes to that…
I’ve been making the parser more permissive by allowing nouns to be articleless (and of course, sometimes they’re supposed to be). Hmmm… what to tackle next?
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