Parents of young children always seem talk about the colour and consistency of their offsprings’ excrement. I’ve also noticed that Finns are way too eager to talk about their bowel movement anyway.
Well, going outside to our back or front yard has been a shock, a horror, and a paralyzing experience for Ami. Today, however, my sister (equipped with a winter jacket, a hat, gloves, a scarf, a forehead flashlight, a commando hat, ….) and I (equipped with sandals, a jacket, and a leash) took Ami outside — front lawn this time because there’re street lamps there. He sniffed some, ate some gawd-knows-what (leaves and pebbles), shivered some, whimpered some. Finally, he also squatted some. That’s right, he doesn’t lift his leg yet… That was his 1st time doing business outside! It’s about time, the newspapers inside have started to resemble yellow ponds…
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