Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code
Being a best-seller I felt dubious about this book (I did wish for it, however). Best-sellers all seem to be mushy romantic novels for stereotypical middle-aged women (I added the word stereotypical to exclude all potential readers, just in case, because no living person is a stereotype
). Nowadays best-sellers aren’t so bad really — Grisham-type of books which are good, and detective/suspense novels which I don’t care for.
Probably the most noteworthy feature of this book, apart from the over-used word ‘immaterial’, are the numerous riddles that guide the protagonists on their adventure. More often than not I found myself thinking “why don’t you get it already?!” Have I read too many Enid Blytons when I was a kid? (I didn’t read a single Nancy Drew, mind you. They are too girly.) Nevertheless, I love a book that shows the author has gone to a lot of trouble to give their book some extra seasoning, or jooshing
The name, Da Vinci Code, is in my opinion a bit misleading. I was under the impression that the story would include a text found below a painting by Da Vinci (Mona Lisa for instance). But maybe the name refers to the certain way to code texts. Which way? You’re going to have to read the book or familiarize yourself with Da Vinci.
Wouldn’t it be great if everything in the book, the historical “facts” and truths about religion were true? I don’t know if they are or aren’t, but I read somewhere about a site that disects all the facts presented in the book and sets them straight. I didn’t read the site back then, obviously, because I hadn’t read the book yet, and now I can’t remember where I saw the link. I don’t really like this kind of uncertainty. Facts should be facts and fiction fiction (ah, the possibilities of ellipsis). That is my opinion, that is. I want to know if it’s safe to blurt out my “book-knowledge” as smart comments if opportunities arise. And most likely, this kind of knowledge — sponged out from recreational reading — is going to stick in my head better than the one acquired while achooing through history books.
I do recommend Da Vinci Code to anyone and everyone. It’s very catchy and interesting. If you like feeling more intelligent than an educated symbologist and an experienced cryptographer you should definitely read this book.
Read: 29.12.2004 — Rating: * * * * *
Happy New Year :!::!::!: *hic*