I’ve been trying to make people use Mozilla instead of Internet Explorer. I’ve succeeded a couple of times, but there is one big hurdle in my way.

People who aren’t comfortable with English, will have difficulties using Mozilla — especially if computers are ominous machines to them to begin with. Mozilla’s Finnish translation is, I hear, lacking (I’m sure the bigger languages have more people sharing the burden of localisation). And the small glimpse I got showed one of the most disgusting mistakes there is. The Finnish localisation project is probably run by computer guys whose grasp of grammar is infamously bad (oh, the shivers I get on every single computer studies’ lecture).

My sister claims Mozilla is noticeably slower than IE on her machine (*cough*as if*cough* she has twice as much Ghz than I do). Maybe she says that just to spite me. Sure pages load slower on the first view in Mozilla because she has all the files in the IE cache!

I would install Mozilla on my grandparents machine but Grandpa doesn’t know any English. I’m having high hopes that Dad will come around.

I’ve thought about offering my help to the project, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t have the time.