A lot of the time when people post their site links for others to see at “Strut your own stuff” (I’m talking about WP forums), pretty soon someone will write “that’s cool/beautiful/nice/awesome/the best layout I’ve ever seen!! Do you have it for download?/Please make it available ASAP!!!1”

What if the person has worked their butt off to get a beautiful, ORIGINAL, DISTINCTIVE layout? What if they don’t want to stumble across a clone everywhere they turn? Some people have miles and miles of themes in their theme switcher (right next to the miles and miles of blogs they apparently read), and they add to the list practically every theme they can get their hands on.

I know I’m being too hard on people who don’t have the knowledge/patience/interest to do their own themes but that is my opinion and this is my blog! :mrgreen:

Disclaimer: This writing is by no means affected by the fact that I’ve been doing my portfolio layout for hours and hours (loving it though, but the theme pleads — in a wrong place — are a pet peeve). I might modify the layout to fit here, too :razz: It could be an invigorating change.