Web portfolio
On Thursday, after staying up until 3am the previous night, I decided to stay home and do Uni stuff: checking texts for grammar and things, and my beloved web portfolio of which there’s been a little tasting earlier.
Here are some new pictures of the layout. I can’t give out the site link because there’s an open insert/update form to the database, so you’ll have to settle for hand-picked favourites of mine:
This is the view on a post editing page when no post has been selected yet. I made those fancy “drop down” post numbers. They’re post IDs wrapped in span tags floated left.
Here’s my WP style quicktag pane:
And last but not least, a snippet off of the documentation page including the right side of my horizontal menu (the main links are on the left hand side) and the header with fancy underlining.
I could rant on and on about the (cool?) things I’ve done on the site-slash-blog-application but I’ve just done that, all day long. Writing the documentation and tons of comments. Maybe I will rant some day.
Oh yeah, I just realized. When next week’s craziness is over (exam and perhaps I should find some time to study for it too, an essay, loads of papers to check for grammar etc, new course, finishing touches to the portfolio — and work), I can start modifying the portfolio layout to fit my WP blog!! Can’t wait!! Today (= yesterday) I installed XAMPP and put up a local WP where I can test out my themes — and write some very secret things that no one else is allowed to read! Now… how could I get such secret things to write about…
(XAMPP is an Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. And then some.)
[Edit: March 14th @ 23:00] Now I sent in my portfolio (or the url, actually) so now I can only sit, be scared, and wait for the judgment day. I actually noticed some whoopsies after sending the url and quickly corrected them (a non-validating documentation and a form handler that didn’t display a “don’t use this page directly” notice). Now they work. Now ALL of it works I hope. Ugh, I hate this sort of uncertainty. [/edit]
That looks good! Now I want to read some secret stuff
The exam’s today. For that course I mean, digital media techniques, and I’m shaking in my… skirt
I’ve been taking days off from work to get all the piles of stuff finished. All day yesterday I tried to write a bloody essay on some language magazines (grammar, language “repair” and advice things), sat infront of the computer for 8 hours before getting anything, except my name and date, on the screen.
Talk about writer’s block.
Now I don’t have time to write, because I haven’t studied to the exam that is tonight (or 4pm). Luckily, it’s things I know about (web stuff) so all I have to do is freshen up my knowledge and add some extra crumbs of ingenuity on top.
Gee, why can’t I write essay nonsense as effortlessly as comment nonsense. Go figure. Oh yeah, the essay has to be “crystal clear” and written in “a person’s characteristic writing style” (I have no style) and “impeccable language”. I think I got the last part, more or less.
Hope you get the computer back soon, Jafer.