I hate spam!!
Why can’t the spammers even write correctly!?! I’m invited to check out some very “interesdting” stuff.
None of the spam gets through, so there’s really no point, now is there? What annoys me the most is that the comment IDs get so big! Last legitimate comment was number 2888 — now the number is definitely over 2900 — when in fact there are only 80 comments (wow, eighty) showing on the posts! Do the math.
I miss captcha soooo much. People, not Tom, did you have trouble having to write that short code before posting? Would you mind if I brought it back? I’m honestly ripping my hair here… Even that blacklisting thing won’t delete the posts anymore! They’re stored…! I don’t want them cluttering up my database because Spam Karma can already handle them without any need to compare to past comments. Sheesh.
I hate this essay!
ha, bring it back if you want. I dont get much spam, perhaps your just oh so popular.
One thing I did do was change the name of the textboxes slightly and change the name of wp-comments to wp-comment.
A lot of these bots are on auto scripts, so a slight change might just break the damm thing.
I think I’m going to try out your name-changing ideas. I’m not to eager about the captcha (or AuthImage), but when it was around I never saw a single ugly red comment box. Now there are about 10 every half an hour or less.
I’ll try different things. Except not now. It’s 2:50 am, I’m tired, I want to go to sleep, I have a pile of stupid things to write about and I have to get up at 7. Ain’t it grand.
I’ve had a lot of success with WP1.5’s comment moderation facilities. I’ve got only two words in the built-in blacklist (which erases any post with either of those two words in), I’ve closed off Trackbacks totally, and used the list of words which forward a comment directly to the moderation queue. Since then, my 100+ spam comments a day have dropped to 100+ a month if that.
I don’t know why, but the words in my blacklist don’t cause the spams to get deleted. They’re just stored. I don’t know if it’s SpamKarma that’s catching them before the blacklist can do its thing.
Maybe I don’t have the right keywords but they just seem to be replaced by … in the spam comments. Very odd.
Now I may have been able to make a better version of my little “Shoo cardgame” hack. Hopefully good comments are now let through. Testing testing.
Don’t use the p-word.
Heres and interview with one of them, very interesting.
[edit by admin: url moved to attribute]
I had read the introduction before, but didn’t bother with the audio. Maybe I will.
Your comment was flagged as spam
It was crossing the Styx but I was able to summon it back…
(I know Greek/Roman mythology doesn’t have the concept of karma, as such, but I changed the SpamKarma’s default message to send the comments to Hades instead of just eating or deleting them. Much more fun!)
That red box freaked me out for a second when I thought the p-word comments were getting through.