The dictionary’s an X-Phile
Lookie what I found! I was trying to figure out if ‘out’ is a preposition or an adverb (still couldn’t decide), and just happened to run into that. Good dictionary, I have to say.
Lookie what I found! I was trying to figure out if ‘out’ is a preposition or an adverb (still couldn’t decide), and just happened to run into that. Good dictionary, I have to say.
I never noticed whether all dictionaries have that little explanation at the bottom of their definitions. Now I have to look to see if I have a “good’ dictionary
A language to different language (Finnish/English in this case) dictionaries should have a usage guide otherwise people will use completely inappropriate words. I’ll have to try to think of a good example
Maybe I’ll just listen to my sister for a while… (she often uses a Finnish-English dictionary and just picks up the first word that is given — not a good practice)
He started going out the door when he realised he had to stay in.
An adverb or a preposition?
I’d say adverb but I honestly have NO clue! My problem verb was actually “check out” where the particle is a fixed part of the phrasal verb… I stared at the examples and tried to figure out some difference but maybe my mind was too dulled at that point.
I hope I didn’t destroy your ideas about my English, Shadow. Remember, it’s not my 1st language.
Not your first language and yet you you use it so well
Here I am, residing on this rock called England, supposedly the home of the English language, and yet I have trouble understanding most of the conversations with the english people I meet!
Don’t blame the language, blame the people!
And thank you for the compliments. Coming from a native I appreciate them even more (unless you’re just sweet-talking ;))
Well, kind of native – Australian.
They look at me as if I am alien sometimes. Same language, same history in many ways, same system of government and yet very, very different.
And how can you possibly accuse me of sweet talk when I do not even know you? I could be very offended you know
Please don’t be offended! That wasn’t my intention. Sometimes people just say “oh you’re so good at English” after I’ve managed to say just hi and not much else. But then again, you even complimented my language on your links page, so I’m sorry for doubting you. (And strangers may sweet talk, too, I’m afraid. Maybe my choice of words was a little off
Even in The Sims sweet talk is not enabled or accepted well at the very beginning…)
Now I understand. Australian accent is stuck on you then? I have an Australian friend who visited Finland a couple of years ago. I have to admit I had to say ‘excuse me?’ quite a bit. But it’s just the different speed of casual speech. I have trouble distinguishing all the words that my current roommate (at work) says, too.
That friend of mine got me hooked on an Oz/Sydney radio station (Nova 96.9) and I’ve been listening to that a lot. I have to say the accent, the diphthongs especially, is pretty wonderful
But hearing ‘mate’ all the time makes me giggle. I’ve never known before that it’s an unisex word…
I couldn’t get to my point if there ever was one, but my brain’s too mushy due to lack of food and coffee.