Localisation to make you gag
This is appalling. I’m browsing through Windows XP terminology — the official terminology — and came across these beauties. For non-Finnish speakers, here’re some pretty examples of Finnish compound words.
- käyttämättä oloajan asetukset (Idle Settings)
- kokoonpanomäärityslähde (Configuration Source)
I think I’ll need to be extra careful with the WordPress translation to avoid providing any incentive for blog entries like this one…
Where’s the spell checker button on this comment form?
I don’t use spellcheckers on entries or comments. Unlike it might seem, I don’t care if the commenters make mistakes. If people want spellcheckers, I’ll provide them. There’s been a few occasions when I’ve pondered whether to correct a tiny typo or not. I’ve decided not to.
I do care if I make a mistake but I have a spellchecker of my own running 24/7 (or perhaps 22/7) so I don’t need one on such an unofficial medium as this, it’s different if I’m writing academic stuff or an article. And I do care if somebody has let a silly mistake slip through to a commercial product, be it software, literature, advertisement or anything else — anything that is supposed to represent a company (or a person). And now you’ll argue that comments/entries etc. do represent a person. Well, then I’ll counter by repeating the unofficiality argument.
Well, the spell checker comment was really a joke, too — although I thought having a button for that on the comment form would be a perfect touch on your site particularly.
I wish I had my internal spell checker running even a couple of hours per day — it seems the longer I’ve used English in everyday life, the more the spelling mistakes (especially the ones that sound alike, which I never used to make before).
But I think you are right, those just represent the unofficial me.
P.S. Your comment form seems to like to forget me no matter what…
My comment form also puts your comments in moderation queue, even this 2nd one…
I’m getting so much spam that I’m doing some tricks in the comment files, so I don’t know if that’s causing the problems. I’ll check my comment template for cookie oddities.
I’m annoyed by the fact that the English words come quicker from my internal dictionary than Finnish ones…