Sad news
I’m a little tight on the money so unfortunately I won’t be able to keep this domain any longer….
It’s really sad, because I love web design and blogging, and I don’t know what else I can do online — or offline, to be honest! Maybe I’ll get one of those free accounts, like Blogger or whatever there are. I don’t even know!
Oh well, this is it. The domain won’t close right away though, but around April 15th. I’ll have to enjoy it to the fullest till then. Bah, at least I won’t have to delete those bloody spam comments anymore!
April fools!!
Nobody got fooled? Darn… I do know one who got fooled and luckily they had sense of humour
Well, I got fooled. I was just about to list a bunch of sites where you could set up your free blog
I’m immune to recognizing practical jokes, regardless of the date.
Aww… Sorry about that. No hard feelings? Maybe now that April 1st is over I could “unhide” the april fools part… Yeah, I’ll do that. Thanks for the kind thought, though.