Game nostalgia
From a conversation with Mac I got a bad itch to play Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. We used to have it on a diskette but at least I didn’t find it anymore (Dad had an old disk formatting frenzy a while ago) so I pouted a little and started looking for it. Luckily I did find it, and in the process I found a lovely site for abandoned games (and old games in general), Abandonia. I downloaded the DosBox that helps running old games on modern machines and also a couple of games I haven’t really tried properly yet.
But I did play Indiana today. I’ve never played it from beginning to finish because we didn’t have the manual and I never got the hang of fighting. (Instead, I played a little of the beginning and then loaded a save game at the temple in Iskenderun.) After talking to Mac, I found out that one does not have to fight the guards when fleeing Iskenderun. So of course I wanted to try it that way! When I was at the castle, I first tried to be very clever and gave Donovan Indy’s “Grail Diary” instead of Henry’s (Indy’s dad), but then Henry didn’t want to go to Berlin which was a must if I wanted to avoid getting caught at guard posts. Finally I met the Führer and got my easy travelling. I even managed to fly the biplane this time! But I’ll probably play it a second time because I want to fly in the zeppelin, too.
As if I didn’t have enough games to play, I downloaded some old games from Abandonia. But I think Vampire is my #1 priority. (I got past a couple of difficult fights again on Wednesday/Thursday — all I can say is, Katana is great!! Slash slash slash and enemies go down like… hay!)
Ok, now you made me want to go to Abandonia to see if there’s any old games I used to have.
I’ve never played the Indiana Jones game but I can tell you that since I reformatted my computer, I have not gone all the way through Painkiller (I’d never gotten to the end on that one anyway) and I think I only went to level 2 on Half Life 2. Now that I think of it, I don’t think I ever went farther than the first or second level in Doom 3.
I’m pretty sick of games that are so hard I have to keep trying the same level week after week until I can move on.
Maybe I’ll find some old game that I was good at at Abandonia. Lord knows I’m playing a lot of Zuma lately.
I’ve given up on Painkiller for the time being. I really didn’t try it again after it went all squirrel voice on me. I got further in Vampire again today which I’m glad about. That one hasn’t been too difficult. Old games are really nice though, a little short-lived though I guess.
What’s Zuma?
You should definitely check out ScummVM ( .. It runs the LucasArts games using the original game files. Also you should find (buy? :)) talkie versions of the games. That talking tentacle is simply adorable
Yeah, I’ve been meaning to check out ScummVM, but the thing is, I don’t — unfortunately — have so many of those original games (I’m pretty sure I lost Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade during Dad’s formatting frenzy…). I have only Grim Fandango and that’s pretty new I think (“new” in a very broad sense). Oh, well, I do have Day of the Tentacle, Maniac Mansion, and a couple of the Monkey Islands… somewhere. Actually, I’ve played Maniac Mansion on Commodore 64…
But, I definitely do need to find out about talkie versions
Zuma’s not an FPS game, but when you’re bored and you don’t want too much trouble from a game, it’s kinda like playing free cell only more difficult (from a dexterity point of view).
Some balls come out of the frog’s mouth and you have to shoot them at the same coloured balls. You get rid of the balls when you make a row of at least 3.
See a screenshot at
Ah, that looks a bit like a game I found on either or… I like those time killer games you can play while surfing (and waiting for replies on ICQ or Yahoo :)).
Talking about Indiana Jones and quick gameplay reminds me of Indiana Jones Desktop Adventures. If you’re running windows you could give that a go. It’s quite simple, but still a better quickie than that Windows Solitaire…
Ah, that’s a cute one! Bird’s eye view of Indiana and the Mexicans.
Those spiders are awful, though.