No more shopping
… at least for a while. I was supposed to find a storing box for a stack of loose DVDs, instead I bought hangers, 2 King books (Thinner and Night Shift), a bedsheet (for the blanket cover+pillowcase set I bought yesterday along with a set for my sister’s birthday), and the Indiana Jones DVD boxset. Earlier this week, looking for the boxset actually, I bought the XF season 5 dvd box. And a while ago I bought Shawshank Redemption and Christine DVDs…
I’ve got to stock up on my dvds now that we built a drawer to house them in our old trunk. It’s not even half full, but then I never expected to be a collector of dvds, I thought I’d just buy the classics… classics being Pulp Fiction, Matrix 1-3, Kill Bill, etc., those are the classics to me – who wants Casablance? pfffft.
I have been pretty restrained in buying DVDs, but whenever I see an “inexpensive” Stephen King movie (or horror in general, but there I’m picky), I have to buy it. And of course those classics like Matrix and Indiana
I just checked the Indiana DVDs work today, and gosh the theme music is so good! I should be studying for Wednesday’s exam but I just want to watch Indiana!!
I definitely need a storing space for DVDs…
Noo… I can’t believe to see a derogatory comment on “Casablanca”!!
What words could better express my feeling than: “Play it once, Sam. For old times’ sake…” (Ingrid Bergman, Casablanca).
You’re going to strangle me, Mac, but I’ve never seen Casablanca! (*gasp*) I might watch it if they ever showed it…
Peace and Love, Minna… no strangle!

(and I didn’t mention what i didn’t watch of your classicals!
Oh no! You haven’t seen Matrixes or Indianas?! *faints*
Just kidding!
I’m dying of heat now. I don’t like the sun! Go away, sun!
No need to pass away!

At least the basics I know them well… but cult movies are not all the times classicals, and vice-versa!
Well said!