Game rambles
Last week Second Sight arrived from a game club but, alas, it was missing the key code sticker. Before returning the game to get a new one I emailed the club with the game key doubting that would help. Lucky thing I did, because they were able to give me the code which I really really hope works… then I’ll get to throw mental hospital guards around with my PSI powers — can’t wait!
I still haven’t finished with Vampire the Masquerade, hardly started Farcry, haven’t even touched True Crime or Deus Ex 2 for that matter. I’m afraid DE2 won’t work on my computer, I’m in the process of getting a new one — I’m trying to find a machine good enough to my requirements. The problem is, I’ve only found computers that have a lot of Ghz, but not enough Gb, or vice versa. Hmph. Too bad Alienware is not available in Finland. I’d like one of those fancy laptops. Maybe I’ll have to travel to England for a little computer shopping; I wonder what the customs would think about that. Oy the taxes…
Now I must get back to the Quest of the Mysterious NullPointerException. I just want to go home because I’m so tired! I read Dark Tower VII all weekend (only 168 pages to go!) and noticed that reading is tiring. Perhaps because it’s a dream-like state without the refreshing qualities? No idea.
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