I have a confession to make: I’ve liked Batman ever since I was a little girl. Yes, I watched the cartoonish Batman series (“POW”) — religiously. Every week anxious to see how Batman and Robin get out of the traps evil Joker, Penguin or whoever has got them in. I even saw a lot of dreams of Gotham City. Full moon. Dark city skyline. Niiice.

Yesterday I saw Batman Begins (I started writing this yesterday but was too tired to finish). My friend was amused by the movie. I was fascinated. It was wonderful to see the development of all the equipment — very rough at first (oi, the car *chuckles*) and of course how Batman evolved (or Bruce Wayne, that is), and the connections to all things Batman. I’ve never read the comics, so I don’t know how faithful the movies are to the original story; my sister claims the beginning of Batman was portrayed wrongly in this movie (I told her the plot). I can neither disagree nor agree, because I can’t remember any details from the other movies.

This was a wondeful Batman movie. Serious enough (no Joker, and no Michael Keaton), gloomy enough, surprising enough (I don’t try to figure out movies while they’re running, I take twists as they come — I do often figure out things before they are shown on screen so don’t think I’m stupid). It was delightful to hear Bruce Wayne say “does it come in black?” My kind of guy. :) (Now, if there only was a real one out there somewhere…)