Fashion statement – not
Today as I was walking down the stairs from work and had to adjust my left sock, I noticed I was wearing one blue and one black sock. The accursed blue socks I accidentally bought after a long day at ex-job! Am I weird if this incident upsets me greatly? Well, it does!
Luckily I didn’t notice it in the morning. That could’ve spoiled my day.
I’ve done it but it was really hard to tell since the socks I usually wear are nylons. But once I got into the room with streaming sunlight, all of a sudden you could see that one sock was blue. So I went to the store and bought some other nylons.
You do have to eat at work though and take a break. Taking a break is good for your eyes and circulation – get up away from the computer or desk.
And eating is just imperative to keep up your strength and your brainpower, you’ll be able to focus better, even though you may not notice your diminished capacity from not eating.
If you don’t like going out to eat by yourself, you can always bring your lunch and go into a lunch room or out into a nearby park. But not eating will also make you start gaining weight at an earlier age as your body goes into starvation mode and shuts down to store the fat.
I used to not eat all day too. Get hungry. (thanks mom)
Thanks for the advice (no, really). I know I should this and I should that. I will eat lunch, I promise, because after the starting shock was over I started to get hungry during the day so I need to eat, plus it’s polite to keep my stomach from making too much noise
The break thing will be more difficult though, but I’ll have to try.